Malvern Star (N.S.W.)(blue with red and white bands):
Fred ARNOLD (31 year old)
Harold JOHNSON (35)
Jack GORRIE (29)
Ossie COWAN (31)
Hartley (black with red collar and sleevesT Jack)
Keith ROWLEY (32)
Max ROWLEY (28)
John BEASLEY (21)
Clinton BEASLEY (28 !!)(instead of Hoobin who did not start)
Magnet Newcastle (gold and white up per, black lower half) :
Jim SANDFORD (21)w/2 crashed 1st stage
Arthur DUNN (25)
Ron KING (25)
Kevin THOMSON (21)
Healing (red with yellow and white bands):
Eddie SMITH (25)
Alby SAUNDERS (29)
Graham STABELL (28 )
Bill ARNOLD (24 )w/2
Speedwell (N.S.W.)(yellow with red bands):
Len HAMMOND (29)
Don EVANS (21)
Les OATES (23).
Clem-Eagle (green and gold):
Bernie HARRINGTON ( 21 years old)
Ken ANDERSON (20 )
Jack MOORE (23); d.n.s.
Gordon HUNT (21).
Bell- Bismire (red)
Les COOK (24)
Len SCHACHT (22)
Ray CROME (22)
? x team !
Keith MALCOLM (24);
Ron SPROULE (19);
Stan DALY (21).
Homecraft (blue and gold)
Don WILLIAMS (22 )
Dudley KELLY ( 23)
Eddie PARKES (26) w/2
Arnie EDWARDS (23) w/2
Victoria (white and blue V):
Peter ANTHONY (24)
Alan MUNRO (27)
Tim BATES (29 )
Bill GARVIN (21)
Queensland (Maroon)
Colin CAVES (24 )
John McDONOUGH (21);
Don LAMONT(29)
Laurie FINEGAN (19)