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Redlands Bicycle Classic (V) 2003
Verenigde Staten
Datum :
2e etappe
130 km
Weg - Etappe
Hoofdindex Redlands Bicycle Classic (V)
Index 2003
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Genevieve Jeanson
in 03h 44m 24s
Kimberly Bruckner Baldwin
op 02m 44s
Lyne Bessette
op 02m 55s
1 Genevieve Jeanson (Can) Rona-Esker 3.44.24
2 Kimberly Bruckner (USA) T-Mobile USA 2.44
3 Lyne Bessette (Can) Saturn Cycling 2.55
4 Manon Jutras (Can) Saturn Cycling
5 Amber Neben (USA) T-Mobile USA 4.20
6 Lynn Gaggioli (USA) Velo Bella 5.29
7 Felicia Greer (USA) Velo Bella
8 Katherin Maher (USA) 5.40
9 Alison Sydor (Can) Canada
10 Leah Goldstein (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's 5.51
11 Alison Dunlap (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team 5.58
12 Cybil Diguistini (Can) Diet Rite 6.03
13 Nicole Demars (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's 6.17
14 Kori Kelly (USA) Diet Rite
15 Barbara Blatter (Swi) Contender Bicycles 6.19
16 Kelli Emmett (USA) Ford Outfitters 6.49
17 Tina Mayolo-Pic (USA) Diet Rite 6.57
18 Rhonda Quick (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing 7.02
19 Katheryn Curi (USA) LGBRC
20 Chrissy Redden (Can) Canada 7.27
21 Sandy Espeseth (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's 8.16
22 Julia Whiteside (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange
23 Susy Pryde (NZl) Velo Bella 8.19
24 Meredith Miller (USA) 9.15
25 Amy Moore (Can) Saturn Cycling
26 Melanie McQuaid (Can) Ford Outfitters 9.37
27 Julie Emmerman (USA) Ford Outfitters 9.41
28 Jennifer Wilson (USA) 9.44
29 Kiara Bisaro (Can) Canada 9.46
30 Trish Sinclair (Can) Canada 9.55
31 Hiroko Shimada (USA)
32 Susan Haywood (USA)
33 Lisa Magness (USA) Intermountain Cycling 10.03
34 Katerina Hanusova (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team 10.37
35 Catherin Walberg (USA) 10.42
36 Elizabeth Begosh (USA) Contender Bicycles 10.57
37 Ashley Kimmet (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing 11.07
38 Heather Mastrianni (Can) 11.31
39 Jennifer Stevens (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing 12.09
40 Gina Hall (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team 12.20
41 Laura Weislo (USA) Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale 12.36
42 Dede Barry (USA) T-Mobile USA
43 Carla Koehler (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange 12.48
44 Kim Anderson (USA) T-Mobile USA 13.26
45 Catherine Powers (USA) 13.57
46 Shonny Vanlandingham (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team 14.11
47 Erin Carter (Can) Canada
48 Vanessa Guyton (NZl) Velo Bella 15.25
49 Melissa Sanborn (USA) Intermountain Cycling
50 Joan Wilson (USA) TDS 16.52
51 Katy St. Laurent (Can) Canada 17.12
52 Magalie Lefloch (Fra) Rona-Esker 19.57
53 Catherine Marsal (Fra) Rona-Esker
54 Helen Kelly (Aus) TDS
55 Anne Samplonius (Can) TDS
56 Mari Holden (USA) T-Mobile USA
57 Andrea Hannos (USA) Rona-Esker
58 Kristin Armstrong (USA) T-Mobile USA
59 Laura Vangilder (USA) Saturn Cycling
60 Ina Teutenberg (Ger) Saturn Cycling 20.43
61 Megan Elliott (USA) Saturn Cycling
62 Shawn Heidgen (USA) TDS 23.38
63 Catherin Bearce (USA) 24.37
64 Amanda Lawrence (USA) 24.45
65 Christine White (USA)
66 Mary Kneeland (USA) Intermountain Cycling 25.05
67 Renee Eastman (USA)
68 Gina Grain (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's
69 Julia Bradley (Can) 25.20
70 Gabriela Gonzalez De Ferrat (Mex) Velo Bella 25.32
71 Maren Partridge (USA) 26.26
72 Nicole Freedman (USA)
73 Karen Dodge (USA) Contender Bicycles 26.38
74 Martha Meyer (USA) 26.44
75 Rook Campbell (USA) 27.06
76 Becky Broeder (USA) Intermountain Cycling 27.19
77 Maatje Benassi (Ned) Intermountain Cycling 27.33
78 Sarah Konrad (USA) 28.01
79 Lauren Frances (USA) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's 28.25
80 Desira Utzig (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange
81 Katie Safford (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange 28.42
82 Nicole Brandt (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange 29.10
83 Natalie Scott (USA) Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale 29.59
84 Lisa Matlock (USA) Ford Outfitters 30.15
85 Kele Hulser (USA) Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale 31.03
86 Kirsten Kotval (USA) Contender Bicycles 31.54
87 Rachel Massey (USA) Ford Outfitters 32.38
88 Sophie St-Jacques (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's 32.47
89 Jacqueline Scott (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange 48.20
90 Taitt Sato (USA) LGBRC 48.25
91 Betsy Bloom (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing 58.44
92 Eryn Hanna (USA) LGBRC 1.12.23
93 Elizabeth Morse (USA) 1.12.42
94 Cindy McFarland (USA) 1.15.48
95 Rachel Cieslewicz (USA) Contender Bicycles 1.27.51
DNS Kristen Lasasso (USA) Rona-Esker
DNF Jody Koch (USA) Ford Outfitters
DNF Jo Jo Kiesanowski (NZl) Diet Rite
DNF Erika Schwarz (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing
1 Saturn Cycling 11.28.17
2 Velo Bella 4.12
3 Diet Rite
4 T-Mobile USA 4.35
5 Victory Brewing/Amoroso' 5.19
6 Canada 7.48
7 Ford Outfitters 11.02
8 Luna Women's MTB Team 13.50
9 Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing 15.13
10 Rona-Esker 24.49
11 Contender Bicycles 28.49
12 Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange 34.24
13 Intermountain Cycling 35.28
14 TDS 41.41
15 46.31
16 Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale 58.33
17 LGBRC 1.52.45
General classification after stage 2
1 Genevieve Jeanson (Can) Rona-Esker 5.32.06
2 Kimberly Bruckner (USA) T-Mobile USA 3.08
3 Manon Jutras (Can) Saturn Cycling 3.28
4 Lyne Bessette (Can) Saturn Cycling 3.32
5 Amber Neben (USA) T-Mobile USA 4.53
6 Lynn Gaggioli (USA) Velo Bella 6.44
7 Leah Goldstein (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's 7.02
8 Alison Dunlap (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team
9 Katherin Maher (USA) 7.03
10 Felicia Greer (USA) Velo Bella 7.16
11 Nicole Demars (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's 7.32
12 Cybil Diguistini (Can) Diet Rite 7.33
13 Kori Kelly (USA) Diet Rite 7.47
14 Barbara Blatter (Swi) Contender Bicycles 8.11
15 Kelli Emmett (USA) Ford Outfitters 8.17
16 Tina Mayolo-Pic (USA) Diet Rite 8.21
17 Rhonda Quick (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing 8.45
18 Katheryn Curi (USA) LGBRC 8.46
19 Chrissy Redden (Can) Canada 9.04
20 Sandy Espeseth (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's 9.32
21 Julia Whiteside (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange 9.56
22 Susy Pryde (NZl) Velo Bella 10.06
23 Amy Moore (Can) Saturn Cycling 10.59
24 Melanie McQuaid (Can) Ford Outfitters 11.06
25 Susan Haywood (USA) 11.08
26 Meredith Miller (USA) 11.12
27 Trish Sinclair (Can) Canada 11.27
28 Jennifer Wilson (USA) 11.30
29 Julie Emmerman (USA) Ford Outfitters 11.35
30 Lisa Magness (USA) Intermountain Cycling 11.58
31 Katerina Hanusova (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team 12.08
32 Elizabeth Begosh (USA) Contender Bicycles 12.28
33 Kiara Bisaro (Can) Canada 12.44
34 Ashley Kimmet (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing 12.47
35 Catherin Walberg (USA) 12.48
36 Hiroko Shimada (USA) 13.01
37 Dede Barry (USA) T-Mobile USA 13.08
38 Heather Mastrianni (Can) 13.12
39 Jennifer Stevens (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing 13.53
40 Gina Hall (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team 14.13
41 Kim Anderson (USA) T-Mobile USA 15.04
42 Alison Sydor (Can) Canada 15.40
43 Shonny Vanlandingham (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team 16.08
44 Catherine Powers (USA) 16.18
45 Vanessa Guyton (NZl) Velo Bella 17.31
46 Joan Wilson (USA) TDS 18.49
47 Katy St. Laurent (Can) Canada 19.22
48 Laura Weislo (USA) Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale 19.36
49 Carla Koehler (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange 20.47
50 Kristin Armstrong (USA) T-Mobile USA 21.09
51 Mari Holden (USA) T-Mobile USA 21.27
52 Anne Samplonius (Can) TDS 21.38
53 Magalie Lefloch (Fra) Rona-Esker 21.39
54 Erin Carter (Can) Canada 21.44
55 Laura Vangilder (USA) Saturn Cycling 21.46
56 Helen Kelly (Aus) TDS 21.56
57 Andrea Hannos (USA) Rona-Esker 22.17
58 Catherine Marsal (Fra) Rona-Esker 22.28
59 Ina Teutenberg (Ger) Saturn Cycling 22.59
60 Melissa Sanborn (USA) Intermountain Cycling 23.04
61 Megan Elliott (USA) Saturn Cycling 23.54
62 Shawn Heidgen (USA) TDS 26.06
63 Renee Eastman (USA) 27.19
64 Julia Bradley (Can) 29.07
65 Rook Campbell (USA) 29.12
66 Maatje Benassi (Ned) Intermountain Cycling 29.52
67 Becky Broeder (USA) Intermountain Cycling 30.23
68 Lauren Frances (USA) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's 30.39
69 Christine White (USA) 31.13
70 Catherin Bearce (USA) 31.23
71 Gina Grain (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's 32.07
72 Amanda Lawrence (USA) 32.29
73 Maren Partridge (USA) 32.47
74 Mary Kneeland (USA) Intermountain Cycling 33.04
75 Gabriela Gonzalez De Ferrat (Mex) Velo Bella 33.07
76 Karen Dodge (USA) Contender Bicycles 33.59
77 Sarah Konrad (USA) 34.42
78 Martha Meyer (USA) 36.51
79 Nicole Brandt (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange 37.01
80 Kele Hulser (USA) Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale 38.27
81 Katie Safford (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange 40.03
82 Sophie St-Jacques (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's 40.10
83 Rachel Massey (USA) Ford Outfitters 40.20
84 Nicole Freedman (USA) 40.45
85 Desira Utzig (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange 43.41
86 Natalie Scott (USA) Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale 44.42
87 Kirsten Kotval (USA) Contender Bicycles 45.03
88 Lisa Matlock (USA) Ford Outfitters 45.08
89 Jacqueline Scott (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange 1.02.52
90 Taitt Sato (USA) LGBRC 1.03.05
91 Betsy Bloom (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing 1.12.09
92 Eryn Hanna (USA) LGBRC 1.17.36
93 Elizabeth Morse (USA) 1.34.56
94 Cindy McFarland (USA) 1.36.48
95 Rachel Cieslewicz (USA) Contender Bicycles 1.55.28
Teams classification
1 Saturn Cycling 16.53.51
2 T-Mobile USA 3.51
3 Diet Rite 6.12
4 Velo Bella 6.33
5 Victory Brewing/Amoroso'
6 Canada 10.14
7 Ford Outfitters 13.25
8 Luna Women's MTB Team 15.50
9 Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing 17.52
10 Rona-Esker 26.12
11 Contender Bicycles 37.06
12 Intermountain Cycling 40.20
13 TDS 44.56
14 Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange 49.26
15 55.59
16 Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale 1.24.48
17 LGBRC 2.11.54
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