1 Cesar MARTE 1007 Work Hard Be Humble Cycling
2nd Place 2 Alec BRIGGS 1016 Tekkerz
3rd Place 3 Alex Juan Pablo ZAPATA 1026 Dcc
Team 3rd Place 4 Moritz AUGENSTEIN 1014 Dcc
5 108.63 Lucas BOURGOYNE (1 - Cat1) Houston 459365 1018 Austin Outlaws
6 Alberto RAMOS 1011 Crca/foundation
7 112.15 Daniel UHRANOWSKY (2 - Cat1) Clarks Summit, PA 579789 1046 Project 412
8 Celestin WATTELLE 1135 Uci Ctm: Team Novo Nordisk Development
9 115.67 Thomas GIBBONS (3 - Cat1) Cape May Court House, NJ 346994 1009 Automatic | Abus Racing
10 117.43 Noah GRANIGAN (4 - Cat1) Superior, CO 229865 1008 Miami Blazers
11 Marshall ERWOOD 1052 Mitoq - Nz Cycling Project
12 120.95 Luke ELPHINGSTONE (5 - Cat1) Boulder, CO 386429 1084 Kelly Benefits Cycling Team
13 Marcos MENDEZ 1123 Rockland Development Program
14 Hayden STRONG 1055 Mitoq - Nz Cycling Project
15 Santiago VIRGUEZ 1108 Rockland Development Programa
16 Juan ARANGO CARVAJAL 1017 Colombia
17 Cory WILLIAMS 1005 Miami Blazers
18 131.51 Danny ESTEVEZ (6 - Cat1) Worcester, MA 215163 1006 L39ion Of Los Angeles
19 133.27 Cesar GALLEGO (7 - Cat1) Brooklyn, NY 414381 1102 Crca / Big Hit Racing
20 135.02 Martin ACOSTA (8 - Cat1) Hillsboro, OR 291277 1059 Hagens Berman Racing Seattle
21 Anton MULLER 1133 Uci Ctm: Team Novo Nordisk Development
22 138.54 Ismael Collado (9 - Cat1) Fairview, NJ 565265 1010 Crca/foundation
23 Sam RITCHIE 1054 Mitoq - Nz Cycling Project
24 142.06 Brockton SMITH Beaumont, CA 573883 1087 Kelly Benefits Cycling Team
25 James GARDNER 1002 Mitoq - Nz Cycling Project
26 145.58 Adam MYERSON (10 - Cat1) Dorchester, MA 52534 1066 Cycle-smart/shiftgear
27 147.34 Juan D FONSECA (1 - Cat2) Elizabeth, NJ 662283 1033 Hilltop Racing Team
28 149.10 Ben STOKES Norwalk 470546 1152 Kelly Benefits Cycling Team
29 150.86 Matt STORDY (11 - Cat1) Kingston, MA 427726 1050 Clif Family Drifters Cycling
30 152.62 Colin FITZGERALD (12 - Cat1) Orefield, PA 234908 1077 Bike Works P/b Fred Beans
31 Briton JOHN 1145 Burrowes Brothers Bikes
32 156.14 Alexander SCOPINICH-BURGEL (2 - Cat2) Concord, MA 487922 1109 Kelly Benefits Cycling
33 157.90 Brad GREEN (13 - Cat1) Schnecksvill 411680 1078 Bike Works P/b Fred Beans
34 159.66 Jonathan NELSON (14 - Cat1) Ann Arbor, MI 566218 1062 Districttaco Racing
Team 2nd Place 35 Joe HOLT 1097 Tekkerz
36 163.18 Julien RUHE (15 - Cat1) Atlanta, GA 467120 1086 Kelly Benefits Cycling Team
37 164.94 Alden WEINHOLD (3 - Cat2) Doylestown, PA 553156 1080 Bike Works P/b Fred Beans
38 166.70 Satchel KIM Bethesda, MD 591153 1083 Kelly Benefits Cycling Team
39 Isaac DE LOS SANTOS 1090 Verrazano Team Racing By Nyrc
Team 3rd Place 40 Andreas MAYR 1020 Dcc
41 Robert SCOTT 1096 Tekkerz Cc
42 173.73 Nathan CUSACK (16 - Cat1) Chevy Chase, MD 442919 1082 Kelly Benefits Cycling Team
43 175.49 Justin PATON (17 - Cat1) Fairfield, CT 606618 1039
44 177.25 Sean GUYDISH (18 - Cat1) Easton, PA 502131 1079 Bike Works P/b Fred Beans
45 179.01 Henry NEFF (19 - Cat1) Arlington, VA 430952 1085 Kelly Benefits Cycling Team
46 Jacopo COLLADON 1131 Uci Ctm: Team Novo Nordisk Development
Team 3rd Place 47 Luca THUMFAHRT 1025 Dcc
48 184.29 Haakon SHEFFIELD Pittsford, NY 651024 1147 Good Guys Racing P/b Strategio
49 186.05 Alexander BARR (4 - Cat2) Lebanon, PA 487747 1114 Kelly Benefits Strategies Cycling
50 187.81 Nik REINERT (20 - Cat1) Pittsburgh, PA 191021 1104 Freddie Fu Cycling Team
51 Erick HAMON PIRAGUITA 1063 Crca/foundation
52 191.33 Erlin GARCIA (21 - Cat1) West New York 428602 1064 Crca/foundation
53 193.09 Stefan TESSOUN (5 - Cat2) Wayne, NJ 468462 1032 Team Solutions Cycling
54 194.85 Jermaine BURROWES (22 - Cat1) Brooklyn, NY 164040 1099 Burrowes Brothers Bikes
55 196.61 Robert ORR (23 - Cat1) Spring City, PA 557603 1137
56 Junior MARTE 1072 Imperium Elite Team
57 200.13 Baris AYTAN (24 - Cat1) Maplewood, NJ 413052 1048 Crca/foundation
58 Evert SCHOTS 1136 Uci Ctm: Team Novo Nordisk Development
59 Josh BURNETT 1051 Mitoq - Nz Cycling Project
60 205.40 Ethan HENDRICKS (6 - Cat2) East Greenville, PA 596245 1126
61 Danielky CEDEO 1071 Imperium Elite Team
62 208.92 Duncan CLARK Los Angeles, CA 423077 1151 Good Guys Racing P/b Strategio
Team 3rd Place 63 Michael WASSERRAB 1024 Dcc
64 212.44 Jonny CLARKE (25 - Cat1) Lenoir, NC 541506 1074 Austin Outlaws
65 Jhoan CAICEDO 1049 Imperium Elite Team
66 215.96 Boguslaw WIELGOS (26 - Cat1) Maspeth, NY 496977 1103 Crca/foundation
67 217.72 Sebastian SILBERMAN Columbia, MD 388185 1036 Princeton University
68 219.48 Guillaume NELESSEN (27 - Cat1) Lambertville, NJ 151319 1030 Bmc Ride Crew
69 221.24 Billy TAYLOR (28 - Cat1) New York, NY 388568 1019 Good Guys Racing
70 223.00 Michael BLACK (29 - Cat1) Philadelphia Pa 299967 1138 Qcw P/b Cadence Cycling
71 224.76 Lance ABSHIRE (30 - Cat1) Baton Rouge, LA 378825 1122 Chaney Windows And Doors
Team 3rd Place 72 Markus BLUME 1022 Dcc
Team 3rd Place 73 Victor PEREZ ABELA MALDONAD 1023 Dcc
74 Cody MCKAY 1047 Project Heart
75 Adam ABIDI 1127 Ride With Rendall
76 233.56 Michael GORET (31 - Cat1) Green Brook, NJ 302849 1139 Morris Velo Sports
77 235.32 Andrew WOLFE (32 - Cat1) Philadelphia, PA 609937 1065 Cumberland Valley Collective P/b Gettysburg Bicycle
78 Maximilian SCHMIDBAUER 1015 Wsa-ktm Graz
79 238.83 Carlos Tejeda Villar (33 - Cat1) Brooklyn, NY 617604 1092 Verrazano Team Racing By Nyrc
80 Mateo GARCIA 1119 Crca/foundation
81 Steven POLANCO 1120 Crca/foundation
82 244.11 Ty MAGNER (34 - Cat1) Athens, GA 222180 1012 L39ion Of Los Angeles
83 245.87 Sam SMITH (35 - Cat1) Doylestown, PA 443018 1075 Bike Works P/b Fred Beans
84 247.63 Kyle MURPHY (36 - Cat1) San Francisco Ca 303659 1043 L39ion Of Los Angeles
85 249.39 Spencer MOAVENZADEH (37 - Cat1) Pikesville, MD 413113 1045 Miami Blazers
86 Wellinton CANELA 1118 Crca/foundation
87 252.91 Mark HEWITT (7 - Cat2) Staten Island 408284 1088 Jam / Ncc
88 Hjalte KNUDSEN 1132 Uci Ctm: Team Novo Nordisk Development
Team 3rd Place 89 Florian WEBER 1021 Dcc
90 Richard HOLEC 1042 L39ion Of Los Angeles
DNS Patrick BROWN Scranton 534454 1027 Nepa Velo Pb Discovernepa
DNS Corey WILLIAMS Leonia, NJ 269625 1028 Crca/to Be Determined
DNS Diego MONSALVE 1034 Hilltop Racing Team
DNS James EICHVALDS Bridgewater, NJ 10582 1038 Morris Velo Sports
DNS Craig OLIVER 1053 Mitoq - Nz Cycling Project
DNS Christopher TIRONE South Wales, NY 35645 1061 Kanberra P/b Five And 20
DNS Ed VEAL 1068 Automatic | Abus Racing
DNS Colin PATTERSON Palo Alto, CA 489166 1069 Voler Factory Racing
DNS Andrew DUDLE Emmaus Pa 270507 1081 Bike Works P/b Fred Beans
DNS Alex CARMONA Tucson, AZ 339504 1094 Landis Cyclery/trek Team
DNS Stalin Quiterio Fort Lee, NJ 307825 1105 Crca/dave Jordan Elite Road Team
DNS Caden FREYRE Redding, CT 519161 1107 Kelly Benefits Cycling
DNS Kevin MCDONNELL Brooklyn, NY 593083 1111 Crca/blue Ribbon - Talent Cycles
DNS Andrew WALSH Hackensack, NJ 251325 1113
DNS Yechiel MOSESON Brooklyn, NY 550880 1115 Crca Blue Ribbon
DNS Steven KURPIEWSKI , 265551 1124 Fitt Insider
DNS Max JACOB New York, NY 604989 1128 Crca/dave Jordan Elite Road Team
DNS Dominic CAIAZZO Brooklyn, NY 309324 1129 Crca / Big Hit Racing
DNS Sean MELCHER Brooklyn, NY 225383 1140 Morris Velo Sports
DNS Jose Luis PEA 1141 Trek Nyc
DNS Andres JIMENEZ Dover, NJ 375995 1142 Morris Velo Sports
DNS Joseph MASSER , 22845 1143 Kickcharge Creative
DNS Gavriel BRUN Brooklyn, NY 552084 1144 Crca/blue Ribbon - Talent Cycles
DNS Horace BURROWES Brooklyn, NY 149234 1153
DNS Josh ROVNER Old Jersey Nj 369460 1154 Jamison Racing Team
DNF Kugler RETIRED Furman 1001
DNF Alec COWAN 1003 L39ion Of Los Angeles
DNF Anderson RETIRED Carl 1004
DNF Daniel HOLLOWAY Boulder, CO 181725 1013 The Call Up Podcast
DNF George TEJADA 1029 Imperium Elite Team
DNF William HOER Andover, NJ 500778 1031 Skylands Cycling
DNF Ignacio CAORSI Trumbull, CT 659881 1035
DNF Matthew KITCHEN Pittsburgh, PA 497453 1037 Project 412
DNF Noah MANDOW Santa Monica, CA 631065 1040 Los Angeles Bike Academy
DNF Keegan ORTIZ Sayreville, NJ 617927 1041 Hilltop Racing Team
DNF Eder FRAYRE 1044 Miami Blazers
DNF Michael PINCUS Freehold, NJ 254929 1056 Austin Outlaws
DNF Luke FETZER Laguna Beach, CA 493742 1057 Austin Outlaws
DNF Greg VANDERPOOL 1058 Austin Outlaws
DNF Matthew PETERS Fogelsville, PA 597370 1060 Verge Sport
DNF Robert STROBEL Lafayette, CO 558151 1067 Automatic | Abus Racing
DNF Eddy HUNTSMAN Newport Beach 393676 1070 Utc/butcherbox P/b Look
DNF Constantin SCHREIBER Union, NJ 391278 1073 Crca / Team Veselka
DNF Alex ST. ANDRE New York Ny 522812 1076 Bike Works P/b Fred Beans Cycling Team
DNF Joseph SEIDEL Brooklyn, NY 633468 1089 Verge Sport
DNF Edikson PENA 1091 Verrazano Team Racing By Nyrc
DNF Santiago PELAEZ New York, NY 560273 1093
DNF Otis ENGEL Mertztown 484819 1095 Kelly Benefits Cycling
DNF Johann BURROWES Brooklyn, NY 198228 1098 Burrowes Brothers Bikes
Team 2nd Place DNF Benjamin TUCHNER 1100 Tekkerz
DNF Andre CAMPBELL Chesterfield, VA 613260 1101 Car6on Racing
DNF Nelson ODREMAN North Plainfield 477027 1106 Hilltop Racing Team
DNF Aaron BARR Lebanon, PA 162406 1110 Kelly Benefits Strategies Cycling
DNF Baker DONAHUE Brooklyn, NY 625044 1112 Crca / Big Hit Racing
DNF Patrick DICUS Brooklyn, NY 611841 1116 Hamilton College Cycling
DNF Ian HEDE New York 592953 1117 Century Road Club Assoc
DNF Jon CARROLL Pittsburgh, PA 633510 1121 Project 412
DNF Walter ALVARADO Brooklyn, NY 606542 1125 Sanba Cycling Team
DNF Joshua BROWN 1130 Uci Ctm: Team Novo Nordisk Development
DNF Louis-Marie POSNIC 1134 Uci Ctm: Team Novo Nordisk Development
DNF Nahuel CRUZ 1146 Crca/foundation
DNF Jake CASTOR Springwater, NY 233485 1148 Good Guys Racing P/b Strategio
DNF David MCCUSKEY Brooklyn, NY 631455 1149 Crca / Team Veselka
DNF Alejandro GUZMAN New York 238008 1150 Crca/foundation
DNF Jo EVERS Philadelphia, PA 585502 1155 Automatic | Abus Racing
DNF Dennis RAMIREZ Envigado Colombia 424384 1156 Miami Blazers Sluiten