73 Brendon GREEN (CDF)
Teams Stage Result
1. BLN Team BridgeLane (15, 17, 11) 3h50:48
2. ITM InForm TMX MAKE (27, 26, 23) +0
3. ACA ARA Pro Racing Sunshine Coast (4, 3, 1) +0
4. TAS TAS Composite (81, 83, 85) +20
5. TCC Tandem Co Pro Cycling (41, 42, 44) +25
6. NCM NCMG Criterion Racing (56, 53, 55) +28
7. ONY Onyva Racing (33, 34, 32) +28
8. CDF Cycling Development Foundation (72, 73, 74) +1:07
9. OLI Oliver's Racing (66, 62, 63) +1:15
Teams General Classification
After Stage 2
1. ACA ARA Pro Racing Sunshine Coast 12h24:35
2. ITM InForm TMX MAKE +8
3. BLN Team BridgeLane +8
4. TCC Tandem Co Pro Cycling +1:32
5. NCM NCMG Criterion Racing +2:22
6. ONY Onyva Racing +2:37
7. TAS TAS Composite +2:52
8. CDF Cycling Development Foundation +4:15
9. OLI Oliver's Racing +4:31
Decisions of the Commissaires Panel
All riders are requested to wear one number, center back. The second number on the left side. Sluiten