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Sea Otter Classic (V) 2005
Verenigde Staten
Datum :
1e etappe
Weg - Etappe
Laguna Seca (Texas), Verenigde Staten
Laguna Seca (Texas), Verenigde Staten
Hoofdindex Sea Otter Classic (V)
Index 2005
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Tina Mayolo Pic
in 01h 42m 38s
Kristin Armstrong-Savola
Christine Thorburn
1 Tina Pic (USA) Quark 1.42.38
2 Kristin Armstrong (USA) T-Mobile Professional Cycling
3 Christine Thorburn (USA) Webcor Builders
4 Erinne Willock (Can) Webcor Builders 0.05
5 Helen Kelly (Aus) Quark 0.11
6 Sima Trapp (USA) Subway
7 Michelle Beltran (USA) Colavita/Cooking Light
8 Laura Vangilder (USA) Quark
9 Kimberley Cunningham (USA) Morgan Stanley / Specialized/24 Hr Fitness
10 Catherine Powers (USA) Tds-Schwalbe
11 Ina Teutenberg (Ger) T-Mobile Professional Cycling
12 Rebecca Larson (USA) Colavita/Cooking Light
13 Kim Anderson (USA) Colavita/Cooking Light
14 Felicia Greer (USA) Webcor Builders
15 Katheryn Curi (USA) Webcor Builders
16 Kimberly Baldwin (USA) T-Mobile Professional Cycling
17 Christina Peick (USA) Colavita/Cooking Light
18 Kristen Sanders (USA) Team Monex
19 Dotsie Cowden (USA) Colavita/Cooking Light
20 Lauren Franges (USA) Victory Brewing Cycling Team
21 Lynn Gaggioli (USA) Team Monex
22 Kori Seehafer (USA) T-Mobile Professional Cycling
23 Mari Holden (USA) T-Mobile Professional Cycling
24 Brooke Ourada (USA) T-Mobile Professional Cycling
25 Helene Drumm (USA) Morgan Stanley / Specialized/24 Hr Fitness
26 Grace Fleury (USA) Quark
27 Suzanne Weldon (USA) Subway 0.15
28 Kristin Danielson (USA) Ford-Basis
29 Chrissy Ruiter (USA) Ford-Basis
30 Michelle Hyland (USA) Tds-Schwalbe 0.29
31 Candice Blickem (USA) Quark 0.35
32 Kristin Caldwell (USA) Morgan Stanley / Specialized/24 Hr Fitness
33 Audrey Lemieux (Can) Quark
34 Kirsten Robbins (USA) Victory Brewing Cycling Team
35 Catherine Malone (USA) Webcor Builders
36 Penny Avril (USA) Touchstone Climbing 2.52
37 Sarah Bamberger (USA) Touchstone Climbing
38 Erin Alders (USA) Team Tamarack 3.13
39 Brooke Blackwelder (USA) Team Tamarack 3.16
40 Betina Hold (USA) Webcor Builders
41 Jill Mclaughlin (USA) Velo Bella
42 Starr Falk (USA) Lgbrc / Easton / Specialized
43 Kate Sherwin (USA) Victory Brewing Cycling Team
44 Nicole Demars (USA) Victory Brewing Cycling Team
45 Mo Devlin (USA) Touchstone Climbing
46 Laura Charameda (USA) Team Monex
47 Gabriela Gonzales-Ferrat (Mex) Velo Bella 5.27
48 Pat Ross (USA) Touchstone Climbing
49 Rhonda Stickle (USA) Diet Cheerwine
50 Jen Chapman (USA) Velo Bella
51 Alisha Lion (USA) Ford-Basis
52 Sandy Espeseth (Can) Victory Brewing Cycling Team
53 Kele Hulser (USA) Ford-Basis 12.12
54 Nicole Freedman (USA) Ford-Basis
55 Lauren Gaffney (USA) Ford-Basis
56 Christine Vardaros (USA) Velo Bella
57 Crystal Yap (USA) Subway
58 Melissa Sanborn (USA) Subway
59 Nichole Wangsgard (USA) Subway
60 Cindy Carroll (USA) Victory Brewing Cycling Team
61 Lisa Hunt (USA) Morgan Stanley / Specialized/24 Hr Fitness
62 Cynthia Mommsen (USA) Morgan Stanley / Specialized/24 Hr Fitness
63 Taitt Sato (USA) Lgbrc / Easton / Specialized
64 Martina Patella (USA) Lgbrc / Easton / Specialized
65 Tara Ross (USA) Diet Cheerwine
66 Laura Yoisten (USA) Diet Cheerwine
67 Kathleen Billington (USA) Diet Cheerwine
68 Shawn Beidgen (USA) Tds-Schwalbe
69 Rebecca Broeder (USA) Tds-Schwalbe
General Classification
1 Tina Pic (USA) Quark 1.45.32
2 Kristin Armstrong (USA) T-Mobile Professional Cycling 0.04
3 Christine Thorburn (USA) Webcor Builders 0.11
4 Ina Teutenberg (Ger) T-Mobile Professional Cycling 0.21
5 Lauren Franges (USA) Victory Brewing Cycling Team
6 Laura Vangilder (USA) Quark 0.24
7 Kori Seehafer (USA) T-Mobile Professional Cycling 0.26
8 Kimberly Baldwin (USA) T-Mobile Professional Cycling
9 Mari Holden (USA) T-Mobile Professional Cycling
10 Chrissy Ruiter (USA) Ford-Basis 0.28
11 Helen Kelly (Aus) Quark 0.29
12 Kim Anderson (USA) Colavita/Cooking Light 0.30
13 Sima Trapp (USA) Subway
14 Erinne Willock (Can) Webcor Builders
15 Felicia Greer (USA) Webcor Builders 0.34
16 Michelle Beltran (USA) Colavita/Cooking Light 0.35
17 Brooke Ourada (USA) T-Mobile Professional Cycling
18 Suzanne Weldon (USA) Subway 0.36
19 Grace Fleury (USA) Quark
20 Catherine Powers (USA) Tds-Schwalbe
21 Kristin Danielson (USA) Ford-Basis 0.39
22 Helene Drumm (USA) Morgan Stanley / Specialized/24 Hr Fitness 0.40
23 Lynn Gaggioli (USA) Team Monex
24 Rebecca Larson (USA) Colavita/Cooking Light
25 Dotsie Cowden (USA) Colavita/Cooking Light 0.41
26 Katheryn Curi (USA) Webcor Builders 0.43
27 Kristen Sanders (USA) Team Monex 0.44
28 Kimberley Cunningham (USA) Morgan Stanley / Specialized/24 Hr Fitness 0.45
29 Candice Blickem (USA) Quark
30 Christina Peick (USA) Colavita/Cooking Light 0.51
31 Michelle Hyland (USA) Tds-Schwalbe 0.58
32 Audrey Lemieux (Can) Quark
33 Catherine Malone (USA) Webcor Builders 1.03
34 Kristin Caldwell (USA) Morgan Stanley / Specialized/24 Hr Fitness 1.12
35 Kirsten Robbins (USA) Victory Brewing Cycling Team 1.18
36 Sarah Bamberger (USA) Touchstone Climbing 3.29
37 Penny Avril (USA) Touchstone Climbing
38 Jill Mclaughlin (USA) Velo Bella 3.36
39 Laura Charameda (USA) Team Monex 3.38
40 Kate Sherwin (USA) Victory Brewing Cycling Team 3.40
41 Starr Falk (USA) Lgbrc / Easton / Specialized 3.42
42 Nicole Demars (USA) Victory Brewing Cycling Team
43 Erin Alders (USA) Team Tamarack 3.45
44 Brooke Blackwelder (USA) Team Tamarack 3.46
45 Betina Hold (USA) Webcor Builders 3.47
46 Mo Devlin (USA) Touchstone Climbing 3.56
47 Alisha Lion (USA) Ford-Basis 5.48
48 Sandy Espeseth (Can) Victory Brewing Cycling Team
49 Gabriela Gonzales-Ferrat (Mex) Velo Bella 5.55
50 Rhonda Stickle (USA) Diet Cheerwine 6.00
51 Jen Chapman (USA) Velo Bella
52 Pat Ross (USA) Touchstone Climbing 6.03
53 Kele Hulser (USA) Ford-Basis 12.28
54 Melissa Sanborn (USA) Subway 12.33
55 Nicole Freedman (USA) Ford-Basis
56 Crystal Yap (USA) Subway 12.35
57 Nichole Wangsgard (USA) Subway
58 Rebecca Broeder (USA) Tds-Schwalbe 12.39
59 Cynthia Mommsen (USA) Morgan Stanley / Specialized/24 Hr Fitness
60 Laura Yoisten (USA) Diet Cheerwine 12.42
61 Lauren Gaffney (USA) Ford-Basis 12.44
62 Christine Vardaros (USA) Velo Bella 12.46
63 Martina Patella (USA) Lgbrc / Easton / Specialized
64 Shawn Beidgen (USA) Tds-Schwalbe 12.47
65 Taitt Sato (USA) Lgbrc / Easton / Specialized 12.48
66 Kathleen Billington (USA) Diet Cheerwine 12.49
67 Lisa Hunt (USA) Morgan Stanley / Specialized/24 Hr Fitness
68 Cindy Carroll (USA) Victory Brewing Cycling Team 12.54
69 Tara Ross (USA) Diet Cheerwine 12.56
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