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Tour of America's Dairyland 2014
Verenigde Staten
Datum :
5e etappe
Weg - Criterium
Beloit (Wisconsin), Verenigde Staten
Hoofdindex Tour of America's Dairyland
Index 2014
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Justin Williams
in 00.00s
Daniel Holloway
op 00.00s
Miguel Bryon
op 00.00s
1 63.00 Justin WILLIAMS (1 - Pro) Los Angeles 197316 UCI CT: Astellas Cycling Team
[2nd Place] 2 63.63 Daniel HOLLOWAY (1 - Cat1) Morgan Hill, CA 181725 Athlete Octane Cycling
[3rd Place] 3 64.27 Miguel BRYON (2 - Pro) Miami, FL 290219 UCI CT: Hincapie Sportswear Development Team
4 64.90 Owen GILLOTT (2 - Cat1) Brisbane Australia 381623 Hagens Berman U-23
5 65.53 Rahsaan BAHATI (3 - Cat1) Compton 116625 Bahati-WTR
6 66.17 Nolan HOFFMAN 438814
7 66.80 Isaac HOWE (3 - Pro) Winooski, VT 201456 UCI CT: Champion System - Stans NoTubes
[Team 1st Place] 8 67.43 Brandon FEEHERY (4 - Pro) Homewood, IL 193035 UCI CT: Astellas Cycling Team
9 68.07 Camilo ULLOA Charlotte, NC 432145
[Team 2nd Place] 10 68.70 Anthony CANEVARI (4 - Cat1) Downey, CA 293641 Athlete Octane Cycling
11 69.33 Orlando GARIBAY (5 - Cat1) Pomona, CA 391795 Incycle-Predator Components Elite Team
12 69.97 Derek BRAUCH (6 - Cat1) Manhattan Beach, CA 293557 SPY GIANT RIDE p/b MRI
[Team 3rd Place] 13 70.60 Alder MARTZ (5 - Pro) Charlotte Nc 202082 UCI CT: Hincapie Sportswear Development Team
[Team 2nd Place] 14 71.23 Devin CLARK (7 - Cat1) St. Charles, MO 186238 Athlete Octane Cycling
15 71.86 Jeremy DURRIN (6 - Pro) Easthampton, MA 250645 UCI CT/WPT: Team Optum p/b Kelly Benefit Strategies
16 72.50 Nathan LABECKI * Milwaukee, WI 209414 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF
17 73.13 Cameron HOFFMAN (8 - Cat1) Clearfield, UT 57141 Team Endurance 360
18 73.76 Daniel GAY (9 - Cat1) Temecula, CA 214863 Hagens Berman U-23
[Team 2nd Place] 19 74.40 Andrew DAHLHEIM (10 - Cat1) Dallas, TX 188572 Athlete Octane Cycling
[Team 1st Place] 20 75.03 Hogan SILLS (7 - Pro) Champaign, IL 257611 UCI CT: Astellas Cycling Team
21 75.66 Jesse KEOUGH (11 - Cat1) Sandwich, MA 229606 Foundation
22 76.30 Andrew BUNTZ (12 - Cat1) West Des Moines 291573 Credite Velo - Trek
23 76.93 Daniel KATZ (13 - Cat1) Goleta, CA 227135 BMW Development Team
24 77.56 Peter OLEJNICZAK (14 - Cat1) Roseville, MN 185493 Mitsubishi Laser/Grand Performance
25 78.20 Gevan SAMUEL 438725
26 78.83 Christopher HILL * Racine, WI 186263 KS Energy Services / Team Wisconsin
27 79.46 Ross WHITE (15 - Cat1) Madison, WI 200545 Credite Velo - Trek
28 80.10 Alessandro MATTEUCCI (16 - Cat1) Brooklyn, NY 120157
29 80.73 Patrick JONES 439103
30 81.36 Arthur MORAN (17 - Cat1) Somerville, MA 251580 Green Line Velo
31 82.00 Tim SAVRE (18 - Cat1) St Paul, MN 371826 Mitsubishi Laser/Grand Performance
32 82.63 Brian KAKER * Milwaukee, WI 240194 LAPT CC
33 83.26 Chad BURDZILAUSKAS (19 - Cat1) Indianapolis, IN 122674 Frisia
34 83.90 Matthew BRUNER (20 - Cat1) Raleigh, NC 304444 Happy Tooth Racing
35 84.53 Luke WILLIAMS Milwaukee, WI 438522
36 85.16 Gavriel EPSTEIN (8 - Pro) Englewood, NJ 179451 UCI CT: Champion System - Stans NoTubes
[Team 2nd Place] 37 85.79 Colton BARRETT (21 - Cat1) Indianapolis, IN 224589 Athlete Octane Cycling
38 86.43 Thomas BARNETT (22 - Cat1) Freehold, NJ 247838 Lupus Racing Team
39 87.06 Sven GARTNER * Park Ridge, IL 309567 EGO p/b Sammy's Bikes
40 87.69 Matthew LIGHT (23 - Cat1) Warsaw, IN 277747 Racing For Riley
41 88.33 Eugene BORONOW (24 - Cat1) Tucson, AZ 57369 G.S. Mengoni U.S.A.
42 Unknown Rider
43 89.59 Blake ANTON (25 - Cat1) Arroyo Grande, CA 192686 TEAM CLIF BAR Cycling
44 90.23 Steven PEREZLUHA (26 - Cat1) Longwood, FL 311519 SeaSucker / Guttenplan Coaching
45 90.86 Bill MULLIGAN * Lake Mills, WI 297004 Great Dane Velo Club
46 91.49 Andrew HAMMOND (27 - Cat1) Jackson, MS 213476 Palmer Cycling
47 92.13 Matt WAITE * Madison, WI 206676 Team Wheel & Sprocket
48 92.76 Kevin BERGER (28 - Cat1) Madison, WI 246306 Team Wheel & Sprocket
49 93.39 Sean MCCARTHY (29 - Cat1) Easthampton, MA 278956 JAM Fund / NCC
50 94.03 Jordan CULLEN (30 - Cat1) Hudson, WI 229280 Hagens Berman U-23
51 94.66 Eric HILL (31 - Cat1) Hartland, WI 334878 Lakes Area Physical Therapy
52 95.29 Josh ROVNER * Brooklyn, NY 369460 Lupus Racing Team
53 95.93 Erik LOBERG * Minneapolis, MN 213434
54 96.56 Allan REGO (32 - Cat1) New York, NY 274367 UCI CT: Champion System - Stans NoTubes
55 97.19 William REKEMEYER (33 - Cat1) Ames, IA 297983 Credite Velo - Trek
56 97.83 Paul MORRIS (34 - Cat1) Carson City, NV 294725 TEAM CLIF BAR Cycling
57 98.46 Michael JASINSKI (35 - Cat1) Rocklin, CA 269476 UCI CT: Wonderful Pistachios Cycling
58 99.09 Sebastian TRILLINI 438158
59 99.72 David GUTTENPLAN (36 - Cat1) Washington, DC 177906 SeaSucker / Guttenplan Coaching
60 100.36 Spencer OSWALD (37 - Cat1) Lincoln, NE 231748 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF
[Team 2nd Place] 61 100.99 Marco ALEDIA (38 - Cat1) Worthington, OH 58428 Athlete Octane Cycling
62 101.62 Stephen WAGSTAFF * Asheville, NC 326166 North Carolina State University at Raleigh
63 102.26 Christopher DUDLEY (39 - Cat1) Reno, NV 285988 TEAM CLIF BAR Cycling
64 102.89 Peter KELLEY * Geneva, IL 306717 Team Bicycle Heaven
65 103.52 Nicholas SABEL * Ripon, WI 263354 Lakes Area Physical Therapy
66 104.16 Andrew BOSCO (40 - Cat1) Alta Loma, CA 215226 SPY GIANT RIDE p/b MRI
[Team 1st Place] 67 104.79 Andrew BAKER (9 - Pro) Easley, SC 193830 UCI CT: Astellas Cycling Team
68 105.42 Alanzo GREAVES Brooklyn, NY 438981
69 106.06 Adam LEIBOVITZ (10 - Pro) Indianapolis, IN 221190 UCI CT: Champion System - Stans NoTubes
70 106.69 Ariel MENDEZ-PENATE (11 - Pro) Brooklyn, NY 301743 UCI CT: Champion System - Stans NoTubes
71 107.32 Matt SCHAUPP (41 - Cat1) Watsonville, CA 311816 BMW Development Team
72 107.96 Timothy CAMPBELL * Lake Mills, WI 240400 Team Wheel & Sprocket
73 108.59 Jordan JACKSON * Issaquah 238462 HSP
74 109.22 Antonio VALENTI (42 - Cat1) Delavan, WI 292580 KS Energy Services / Team Wisconsin
75 109.86 Nicholas KEOUGH (43 - Cat1) Sandwich, MA 203439 Foundation
76 110.49 David PAQUETTE (44 - Cat1) Decorah, IA 264236 Credite Velo - Trek
77 111.12 Matthew RUSSELL (45 - Cat1) Woodbury 300391 Texas Roadhouse Cycling Team
78 111.76 Timothy JENKINSON (46 - Cat1) Mars Hill, NC 325110 Starlight Custom Apparel
79 112.39 Kyle JACOBSON (47 - Cat1) Milwaukee, WI 209985 Linear Sport MTB / Trek
80 113.02 Scott SAVORY (48 - Cat1) South Ozone Park, NY 297263 Lupus Racing Team
DQ David HAASE * Fond Du Lac, WI 14516 A Bloc
DNF Robert KELLEY (Cat1) Geneva, IL 52765 Team Bicycle Heaven
DNF Mitchell JACARUSO * New York, NY 282121 UCI CT: Champion System - Stans NoTubes
DNF Steven KNURR * Madison, WI 208097
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