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Nature Valley Grand Prix 2014
North Star GP
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Hoofdindex Nature Valley Grand Prix
Index 2014
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Ian Crane
in 00.00s
Juan José Haedo
op 00.00s
Travis McCabe
op 00.00s
1 63.80 Ian Crane (1 - Pro) Seattle, WA 184284 Jamis Hagens Berman*
[2nd Place] 2 64.24 Juan Jose Haedo (2 - Pro) Boulder, CO 196354 Jamis Hagens Berman*
[3rd Place] 3 64.68 Travis McCabe (3 - Pro) Tucson, AZ 268330 SmartStop Pro Cycling*
4 65.12 David Guttenplan (1 - Cat1) Washington, DC 177906 SeaSucker / Guttenplan Coaching
5 65.56 Ryan Anderson 432436 UCI CT/WPT: Team Optum p/b Kelly Benefit Strategies
[Team 3rd Place] 6 66.00 Eric Marcotte (4 - Pro) Scottsdale, AZ 212698 SmartStop Pro Cycling*
7 Gerry Druyts
8 66.88 Tom Zirbel (5 - Pro) Boulder, CO 209308 UCI CT/WPT: Team Optum p/b Kelly Benefit Strategies
9 67.32 Jesse Anthony (6 - Pro) Newbury Park, CA 154883 UCI CT/WPT: Team Optum p/b Kelly Benefit Strategies
10 67.76 Anthony Canevari (2 - Cat1) Downey, CA 293641 Athlete Octane
[Team 1st Place] [Team 2nd Place] 11 68.20 Ruben Companioni (3 - Cat1) Miami 381975 Jamis Hagens Berman*
12 68.64 David Santos (4 - Cat1) El Cajon, CA 278526 KHS-Maxxis-JAKROO
13 69.08 Sean Mazich (7 - Pro) Yuma, AZ 196405 UCI CT: Jelly Belly Cycling
14 69.52 Scott Zwizanski (8 - Pro) West Chester, PA 131248 UCI CT/WPT: Team Optum p/b Kelly Benefit Strategies
15 69.96 Michael Sheehan (5 - Cat1) Austin, TX 323876 Boneshaker Project
16 70.40 Andrew Dahlheim (6 - Cat1) Dallas, TX 188572
[Team 1st Place] [Team 2nd Place] 17 70.84 Ben Jacques-Maynes (9 - Pro) Corralitos, CA 23057 Jamis Hagens Berman*
18 71.28 Ben Frederick (7 - Cat1) Conshohocken, PA 324234 Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV
[Team 1st Place] [Team 2nd Place] 19 71.72 Luis Alberto Romero Amaran (10 - Pro) Albuquerque, NM 288135 Jamis Hagens Berman*
[Team 3rd Place] 20 72.16 Travis Livermon (11 - Pro) Lewisville, NC 161583 SmartStop Pro Cycling*
21 72.60 Tristan Uhl (8 - Cat1) Austin, TX 168160 ATC Racing
22 73.04 Chad Hartley (9 - Cat1) Fox Point, WI 126996
23 Christophe Sleurs
24 73.92 Freddie Rodriguez (12 - Pro) Berkeley, CA 30322 UCI CT: Jelly Belly Cycling
25 74.36 Alex Candelario (13 - Pro) Bend, OR 83014 UCI CT/WPT: Team Optum p/b Kelly Benefit Strategies
26 74.80 Erik Slack (10 - Cat1) Meridian, ID 208936 Canyon Bicycles-Shimano
27 75.24 Michael Olheiser (11 - Cat1) Huntsville, AL 133375 UCI CT: Competitive Cyclist Racing Team
28 Stef VanZummeren
29 76.12 William Routley 430915
30 76.56 Connor McCutcheon (12 - Cat1) Bigbearlake, CA 279388
31 77.00 Jeremy Powers (13 - Cat1) Easthampton, MA 117328 UCI CT: Jelly Belly Cycling
32 77.44 Zack Allison (14 - Cat1) Arlington Va 211435 Think Finance p/b Trek Bike Stores
33 77.88 Orlando Garibay (15 - Cat1) Pomona, CA 391795 Incycle-Predator Components Elite Team
34 Michael Vingerling
35 78.76 Steve Fisher (14 - Pro) Seattle, WA 204225 UCI CT: Jelly Belly Cycling
36 79.20 Emerson Oronte (16 - Cat1) Boulder, CO 222542 UCI CT: Jelly Belly Cycling
37 79.64 Tobin Ortenblad (17 - Cat1) Santacruz, CA 303586 Quick Release
38 80.08 Chris Winn (18 - Cat1) Lakewood, CO 292547 Horizon Organic/Einstein Bros Cycling
39 80.52 Fabio Calabria (19 - Cat1) Boulder, CO 309410 Horizon Organic/Einstein Bros Cycling
40 80.96 Brian McCulloch (20 - Cat1) Yucaipa, CA 169774 KHS-Maxxis-JAKROO
41 81.40 Johnathan Freter (15 - Pro) Columbus, OH 266654 UCI CT: Jelly Belly Cycling
42 81.84 Heath Blackgrove (21 - Cat1) Austin, TX 366920 Boneshaker Project
43 82.28 Coulton Hartrich (22 - Cat1) Juno Beach, FL 286536 SeaSucker / Guttenplan Coaching
44 82.72 Morgan Schmitt (23 - Cat1) Woodinville, WA 189118 UCI CT: Jelly Belly Cycling
45 83.16 Tyler Brandt (24 - Cat1) Vallejo, CA 210604 BMW Development Team
46 83.60 Griffin Easter (16 - Pro) Upland, CA 282590 UCI CT: Airgas Cycling
47 84.04 Kaler Marshall (25 - Cat1) Walla Walla, WA 321012 Audi
48 84.48 Kennett Peterson (17 - Pro) Boulder, CO 256803 UCI CT: Firefighters Upsala CK
49 84.92 Nick Coil (26 - Cat1) Prairie Village, KS 195267 Think Finance p/b Trek Bike Stores
50 85.36 Mac Brennan (27 - Cat1) East Jordan, MI 243416 UCI CT: Bissell Cycling
51 85.80 Peter Disera 438451
[Team 3rd Place] 52 Flavio Alejandro SmartStop Pro Cycling*
53 86.68 Jonathan Toftoy (28 - Cat1) Eden Prairie, MN 233166 Revolution Cycle/Twin Six
54 87.12 Zack Noonan (18 - Pro) Kutztown, PA 249618 UCI CT: Airgas Cycling
55 87.56 Devin Clark (29 - Cat1) St. Charles, MO 186238 Athlete Octane Cycling
56 88.00 Stephan Hirsch (30 - Cat1) Indianapolis, IN 337040 BISSELL-ABG-GIANT
57 88.44 Stefano Barberi (31 - Cat1) Newbury Park, CA 136696 California Giant Berry Farms/Specialized
58 Kevin Massicotte
59 89.32 Stefan Rothe (32 - Cat1) Austin, TX 205741 ELBOWZ Racing
60 89.76 Fabrizio Von Nacher (33 - Cat1) Tustin, CA 394218 KHS-Maxxis-JAKROO
61 90.20 Bryce Young (34 - Cat1) North Ogden, UT 274878 Canyon Bicycles - Shimano
62 90.64 Tony Olson (35 - Cat1) Kasota, MN 245537 Mitsubishi Laser/Grand Performance
63 Stephen Hall
[Team 3rd Place] 64 91.52 Adam Myerson (19 - Pro) Dorchester, MA 52534 SmartStop Pro Cycling*
65 91.96 Jordan Cullen (36 - Cat1) Hudson, WI 229280 Hagens Berman U-23
66 92.40 Carson Lange (37 - Cat1) Austin, TX 349134 VooDoo U23
67 92.84 Mike Stone (38 - Cat1) Monroe, GA 258441 UCI CT: BMC/Hincapie Sportswear Development Team
68 93.28 James Glasspool Alpharetta, GA 434123
[Team 1st Place] [Team 2nd Place] 69 93.72 Gabe Varela (39 - Cat1) Coeur D' Alene, ID 249909 Jamis Hagens Berman*
70 94.16 Aaron Beebe (40 - Cat1) Grand Haven, MI 258966 BISSELL-ABG-GIANT
71 94.60 Ben Fogle (41 - Cat1) Duncansville, PA 338298 Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV
72 Luis Lemus Davila
73 95.48 Colton Barrett (42 - Cat1) Indianapolis, IN 224589
74 95.92 Jacob Arnold Fort Collins, CO 259024
75 96.36 Ben Wolfe (43 - Cat1) Old Lyme, CT 260405 UCI CT: Jelly Belly Cycling
76 96.80 Collin Berry (44 - Cat1) Huntington Beach, CA 298247 BMW Development Team
77 97.24 Andrew Buntz (45 - Cat1) West Des Moines 291573 Credite Velo - Trek
78 97.68 Mat Stephens (46 - Cat1) Dallas, TX 178970 Boneshaker Project
79 98.12 Dennis Ramirez (47 - Cat1) Lilburn, GA 424384 Gateway Harley-Davidson
80 98.56 Peter Olejniczak (48 - Cat1) Roseville, MN 185493 Mitsubishi Laser/Grand Performance
81 99.00 Brett Kielick (49 - Cat1) Philadelphia, PA 258581 Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV
82 99.44 Corentin Cherhal Cumming, GA 385931
83 99.88 Anton Varabei 356904
84 100.32 Cory Greenberg (50 - Cat1) Simi Valley, CA 243988 Pedalers Fork-10 Speed Coffee
85 100.76 Brad Neagos (51 - Cat1) Denver , CO 372580 BISSELL-ABG-GIANT
86 Tom Devriendt
87 101.64 Yuri Hrycaj 400215
88 102.08 Derek Schanze (52 - Cat1) Gainesville, FL 252844 SeaSucker / Guttenplan Coaching
89 102.52 Nicholas Torraca (53 - Cat1) Grapevine, TX 338924 Boneshaker Project
90 102.96 Nathaniel Beams (54 - Cat1) Dallas, TX 259780 Think Finance p/b Trek Bike Stores
91 103.40 Josh Johnson (55 - Cat1) Fort Wayne, IN 257134 BISSELL-ABG-GIANT
92 103.84 Ryan O'Boyle (56 - Cat1) Shorewood, IL 299155 xXx Racing
93 104.28 Patrick Kos Breinigsville, PA 407696
94 104.72 Chris Yotter (57 - Cat1) Saint Paul, MN 318312 Mitsubishi Laser/Grand Performance
95 105.16 Kevin Gottlieb (20 - Pro) San Francisco, CA 226379 UCI CT: Airgas Cycling
96 105.60 Gerd deKeijzer Cumming, GA 386805
97 Pierre Louis Verot
98 106.48 Gregory Capelle (58 - Cat1) Ellicottcity, MD 284095 SeaSucker / Guttenplan Coaching
99 106.92 Gregory Ratzell (21 - Pro) Blandon, PA 230201 UCI CT: Airgas Cycling
100 107.36 Mac Cassin (59 - Cat1) Denver, CO 287030 Horizon Organic/Einstein Bros Cycling
101 107.80 David Kessler (60 - Cat1) Boulder, CO 249191 California Giant Cycling
102 108.24 Brant Speed (61 - Cat1) Austin, TX 240584 Driveway Series Racing
103 108.68 Eric Losak (62 - Cat1) San Clemente 175239 SPY GIANT RIDE p/b MRI
104 109.12 Gabriel Baca (63 - Cat1) Chihuahua 331782 ELBOWZ Racing
105 109.56 Luke Williams Milwaukee, WI 438522
106 110.00 Andel Dickey (64 - Cat1) Truro, MA 311588 California Giant Berry Farms/Specialized
107 110.44 Benny Swedberg (65 - Cat1) Kent, WA 200484 California Giant Cycling
108 110.88 Jens Brabbit (66 - Cat1) La Crosse 184406 River Valley Cycling Club- RVCC
109 111.32 Chris Stastny (22 - Pro) Vacaville, CA 249743 UCI CT: Firefighters Upsala CK
110 111.76 Kit Recca (67 - Cat1) Golden, CO 252699 Horizon Organic/Einstein Bros Cycling
111 112.20 Ben Spies (68 - Cat1) Dallas, TX 273949 ELBOWZ Racing
112 Brandon Etzl
113 Rene Corella
114 113.52 Matt Schaupp (69 - Cat1) Watsonville, CA 311816 BMW Development Team
115 113.96 Matt Zimmer (70 - Cat1) De Witt, IA 320582 Mitsubishi Laser/Grand Performance
116 114.40 Steven Davis (71 - Cat1) San Diego, CA 256520 KHS-Maxxis-JAKROO
117 114.84 Ross White (72 - Cat1) Madison, WI 200545 Credite Velo - Trek
118 115.28 Sergio Escutia 398447
119 115.72 Shawn D'Aurelio (73 - Cat1) Laguna Beach, CA 287621 KHS-Maxxis-JAKROO
120 116.16 Caleb Fuchs (74 - Cat1) Hico, TX 291325 Think Finance p/b Trek Bike Stores
121 116.60 Adrian Flores (75 - Cat1) Austin, TX 293369 Boneshaker Project
122 117.04 Josh Johnson (76 - Cat1) Cape Girardeau, MO 298124 Gateway Harley-Davidson
123 Timothy Stevens
124 117.92 Brian Ellison (77 - Cat1) Chicago Heights, IL 310844 Mitsubishi Laser/Grand Performance
125 118.36 Tim Savre (78 - Cat1) St Paul, MN 371826 Mitsubishi Laser/Grand Performance
126 118.80 Edward Kim (79 - Cat1) Columbia, MO 353032 Gateway Harley-Davidson
127 119.24 Neal Shepherd (80 - Cat1) Palm Coast, FL 244277 Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV
128 119.68 Daniel Katz (81 - Cat1) Goleta, CA 227135 BMW Development Team
129 120.12 Jesse Goodrich (82 - Cat1) Louisville, CO 276415 Think Finance p/b Trek Bike Stores
130 120.56 Guido Palma Northvale, NJ 428776
131 121.00 Levon Kalemkiarian (83 - Cat1) Stillwater, MN 243156 Revolution Cycle/Twin Six
132 121.44 Andrew Bosco (84 - Cat1) Alta Loma, CA 215226 SPY GIANT RIDE p/b MRI
133 121.88 Joshua Roeser (85 - Cat1) Buffalo, MN 160630 Revolution Cycle/Twin Six
134 122.32 Simon Strobel Alpharetta, GA 434122
135 122.76 Emile Abraham (86 - Cat1) Atlanta, GA 222021 Predator Cycling
136 123.20 Michael Dalterio Alpharetta, GA 400419
137 123.64 Garrick Valverde (87 - Cat1) Lawrence, KS 210225 GP Velotek
138 124.08 Andrew Sjogren (23 - Pro) Riverside, CA 271744 UCI CT: Jelly Belly Cycling
139 124.52 Cameron Rex (88 - Cat1) Shawnee, KS 243878 Gateway Harley-Davidson
140 124.96 Marcos Lazzarotto (89 - Cat1) Christiansburg, VA 292813 Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV
141 125.40 Tristin Bentzler (90 - Cat1) Chippewa Falls, WI 161188 Synergy
142 125.84 William Rekemeyer (91 - Cat1) Ames, IA 297983 Credite Velo - Trek
143 126.28 Stephen Welsh 428424
144 126.72 Tyler Coplea (92 - Cat1) Chandler 196300 Gateway Harley-Davidson
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