Aaron: Under 20mins up the Gap ! and time to say hello (2013-11-30 11:48)
Aaron: Gap Redemption Jack ! (2013-11-29 22:31)
4. 7 DYBALL, Benjamin (19) 18:23.75 (12) 3:28:43 (1) 1:50:22 5:37:28.7 +47.9
Allan: Congrats Ben great ride! (2013-12-01 05:03)
5. 33 STEVENSON, Oscar (5) 17:51.14 (7) 3:28:10 (7) 1:51:31 5:37:32.1 +51.3
Meredith: Great ride. Super proud (2013-12-01 01:58)
Zeth: why such a big head start? well done (2013-11-29 10:18)
jordan s: have my babies please (2013-11-29 07:17)
Michael McR.: Hawthorn's next Phil Anderson (2013-11-29 04:35)
6. 20 HAMILTON, Chris (18) 18:21.59 (4) 3:28:01 (4) 1:51:17 5:37:39.5 +58.8
Lucas: Solid! (2013-11-30 10:15)
Peta Mullens: Wooohoooooo!!! (2013-11-30 08:09)
7. 11 VAN DER PLOEG, Neil (3) 17:36.92 (8) 3:28:13 (11) 1:51:51 5:37:40.9 +1:00.1
Scotty Liston: Yea Neil top effort!!! Wow for the TT (2013-12-01 07:17)
Jake Pushys: Looking super strong Neil, keep it up! (2013-11-30 07:42)
Kris: awesome ride mate. David Millar would be very proud... (2013-11-29 07:03)
Turi: Good one Neil! (2013-11-29 03:19)
8. 15 CANTY, Brendan (37) 18:50.70 (5) 3:28:01 (5) 1:51:17 5:38:08.7 +1:27.9
Jason: Well done BC! Awesome result. Congratulations! (2013-12-01 08:33)
Marty: Awesome. Well done Brendan. (2013-12-01 07:40)
Andy: Seriously incredible effort - well done mate! (2013-12-01 04:19)
Ian: Fantastic result! Well done! (2013-12-01 03:23)
Milo: Top 10 in your first ToB, without a dedicated TT rig ... where do I sign up for a VO2max like yours?? (2013-12-01 01:43)
Cyril Dixon: Yeahhhhh. Well done BC (2013-11-30 11:18)
stu: back of on the eating............. (2013-11-30 10:38)
Moffatt: Great stuff man!! (2013-11-30 10:38)
Gogis: great ride Canty. now smash them in those hills :) (2013-11-30 03:53)
frosty: look forward to the next couple of days, on ya BC top stuff mate (2013-11-30 01:11)
Ziddy: Good luck from Toscana! (2013-11-29 11:14)
Butts: Great effort buddy! (2013-11-29 10:50)
Marty: Great stuff Brendan. Now for the hills - go for it (2013-11-29 10:08)
Dutchy: well done BC now go get them in the hills. (2013-11-29 07:52)
ChRIS B: 1.19 you will smash that time up the real climbs-lookout everyone (2013-11-29 06:15)
NIgel: Good work BC. Hit those hills.. (2013-11-29 05:49)
Evan: Great start mate, awesome effort for your first TT!!! (2013-11-29 05:14)
Andy: What a cracking start.. smash it mate! (2013-11-29 05:00)
Cyril: Awesome stuff Canty, well done. (2013-11-29 04:57)
Aaron: Yeah buddy. (2013-11-29 03:33)
Eli: Well done on your first TT with your new Team! Cracking Pace! (2013-11-29 03:21)
9. 100 Tupalski, Mark (27) 18:40.86 (10) 3:28:27 (12) 1:52:05 5:39:12.8 +2:32.0
Craig R: Awesome effort Mark (2013-12-01 06:18)
Dazza: Mate, well done awesome effort (2013-11-30 05:11)
Blairy: That explains how you destroyed us at the fling! Nice work mate (2013-11-30 04:59)
Glenn C: Super stoked for you Tupaca (2013-11-30 04:55)
Stacey : Your such a hunk, well done today!! xxx (2013-11-29 05:51)
17. 40 BIEN, Nicholas (31) 18:45.50 (15) 3:29:15 (25) 1:53:36 5:41:36.5 +4:55.7
Ol'mate bag a rags: big man!!! a real phenerganing (2013-11-30 04:22)
18. 49 LYONS, Angus (16) 18:16.53 (30) 3:30:42 (21) 1:52:43 5:41:41.5 +5:00.7
roger bade: Great job again Angus! (2013-12-01 04:15)
Ann Meney: go Robert power (2013-11-30 06:47)
roger bade: Great job Angus - wow! (2013-11-29 22:44)
paul: nice effort gus, enjoy the rest of the weekend (2013-11-29 06:18)
19. 70 KENT, John (25) 18:31.28 (20) 3:30:08 (23) 1:53:15 5:41:54.2 +5:13.4
Darin: Well done John, great result! (2013-12-01 04:45)
Darren : Great work John good luck for today (2013-11-30 22:10)
John Kent: Got docked 31 seconds. Two stopwatches put me at 18min flat. Worst part is no one interested in fixing the timing issue others also had. (2013-11-29 10:43)
Dave webb: Great time John! (2013-11-29 09:43)
20. 75 MOREY, Trent (33) 18:47.58 (22) 3:30:19 (22) 1:53:09 5:42:15.5 +5:34.7
Marshall: Flying mate! keep it up (2013-11-29 10:16)
Blair: Good luck buddy! #ClimbingmakesmoretimethanTT's haha (2013-11-29 07:00)
run,ride,fight,f*#k,push a barrow,drive a truck: Good work snake. let them know who jake Stuart is tomorrow (2013-11-29 04:16)
22. 44 ELLIOTT, Nathan (7) 17:54.81 (17) 3:29:29 (40) 1:55:33 5:42:56.8 +6:16.0
BikenBean: Good work mate, keep it up. (2013-11-29 05:26)
Hollywood: Not bad, probably wouldn't eat tonight though :-) (2013-11-29 03:10)
23. 78 KATSONIS, Nicholas (30) 18:44.67 (28) 3:30:42 (28) 1:53:46 5:43:12.6 +6:31.8
Yngve: Congratulations (2013-11-29 10:22)
Michael McR: Here here (2013-11-29 05:30)
Kosmos Samaras: Nice work mate, very respectable time (2013-11-29 03:49)
24. 60 PAIN, James (46) 19:06.82 (27) 3:30:42 (27) 1:53:36 5:43:24.8 +6:44.0
Stevie: Well done ya big indie (2013-11-29 07:03)
43. 45 LEAPER, Tom (28) 18:42.05 (36) 3:32:39 (51) 2:02:36 5:53:57.0 +17:16.2
Michael Shaw: Nice work mate. Ready for the hills now! (2013-11-29 10:49)
Dave Richards: Great work Tom. Good Luck for the rest of the weekend (2013-11-29 10:36)
Carol Cooke: Well done Tom, best of luck for the rest of the tour! (2013-11-29 08:55)
Gus Gollings: Great work, Tom (2013-11-29 07:44)
Glen: Nice work Tom - great time (2013-11-29 05:03)
44. 36 KELLY, Mark (79) 20:12.47 (40) 3:33:21 (54) 2:02:36 5:56:09.4 +19:28.6
Nathan: Awesome race Mark. well done (2013-12-01 03:27)
Carol Cooke: Well done Mark, awesome leg of the tour! Best of luck for the rest! (2013-11-30 05:03)
45. 13 BAYLY, Cameron (81) 20:21.47 (41) 3:33:21 (50) 2:02:30 5:56:12.4 +19:31.6
46. 59 GRIMSEY, Stuart (78) 20:04.34 (44) 3:33:31 (61) 2:03:21 5:56:56.3 +20:15.5
Stef: Good work champ!! (2013-12-01 03:38)
Yngve : Good ride Boss! Congratulations (2013-11-29 10:30)
47. 53 ANDREWS, Ben (82) 20:22.00 (45) 3:33:48 (56) 2:02:51 5:57:01.0 +20:20.2
david paton : well done ben now go get them in the mountains (2013-11-29 10:41)
Hermione Granger: C'mon Harry you've been quicker than that before. Great work Jason!! (2013-11-30 02:28)
Flash Gordon: You might need my outfit after that effort! LIGHTNING!! (2013-11-30 02:18)
Harry Potter: I don't have a spell that could make me go that quick! Great work!! (2013-11-30 01:04)
Bruce Willis: Great effort Jason! (2013-11-30 01:02)
53. 91 THOMPSON, James (41) 18:56.30 (68) 3:49:27 (39) 1:55:10 6:03:33.3 +26:52.5
54. 25 WAITE, Steve (88) 21:05.07 (50) 3:36:23 (68) 2:06:52 6:04:20.0 +27:39.2
Marty: The fossil drags his fragile carcass out for a TT! Woo! (2013-11-29 04:28)
55. 57 HARRISON, Scott (92) 22:17.39 (56) 3:39:53 (57) 2:02:57 6:05:07.3 +28:26.6
Paul Fleuren: Well done Scott, solid result (2013-11-30 08:14)
Dave: get into it tomorrow (2013-11-29 08:13)
Blair: Good luck Scott, plenty of Km's to make up time (2013-11-29 07:03)
Herbert the Pervert: Tomorrow is another day, and Sunday. (2013-11-29 03:28)
56. 34 PARKER, Luke (36) 18:49.19 (62) 3:42:09 (66) 2:04:27 6:05:25.1 +28:44.4
Zeth: Bit far from Northcote. Enjoy the weather. (2013-11-29 10:19)
57. 39 WHITE, Liam (70) 19:50.00 (63) 3:43:46 (53) 2:02:36 6:06:12.0 +29:31.2
engine: Great work Liam..on the back of VCE and little training!! (2013-12-01 11:42)
Jenni: A great effort Liam (2013-12-01 04:50)
58. 8 WALKER, Kane (66) 19:39.42 (64) 3:44:39 (49) 2:02:30 6:06:48.4 +30:07.6
59. 85 TOOLE, James (63) 19:31.85 (58) 3:40:26 (72) 2:07:09 6:07:06.8 +30:26.0
Fewy: Great Work Stacky! Solid Start - keep it up and have a cracking weekend! (2013-11-29 05:35)
66. 47 BOYS, Matt (73) 19:54.72 (70) 3:52:53 (73) 2:08:09 6:20:56.7 +44:15.9
Echidna: nice work mate! (2013-12-01 12:19)
Blue Oyster Bar: We'' (2013-11-30 10:10)
FFR: Just a mad dog! (2013-11-30 07:22)
67. 30 BUSCHKUEHL, Todd (74) 19:54.76 (77) 3:55:19 (74) 2:08:47 6:24:00.7 +47:19.9
Young balls: Do it for your country (2013-11-30 08:17)
Bh: Your my hero (2013-11-30 06:59)
Young Balls: Go Toddy (2013-11-29 10:18)
Ricky: Yeah TODDY! Keep it up champ! (2013-11-29 07:30)
68. 14 GUY, Tim (80) 20:15.68 (79) 3:57:18 (69) 2:07:00 6:24:33.6 +47:52.8
Trent: Hang in there Trout 2 more to jump out of the water for (2013-11-29 04:44)
78. 87 CAMERON, Timothy (26) 18:38.02 4:27:59 (19) 1:52:40 6:39:17.0 +1:02:36.2
Marty: Sweet! Keep it up! (2013-11-29 04:28)
DSQ 41 KELLY, David (17) 18:18.73 (60) 3:41:17 (59) 2:03:04
Youngy: Go DK!!!!!!!! NRR is perfect training for hills! (2013-12-01 01:49)
Skinny: Go.. T1000 (2013-11-30 06:47)
Martyn: Nice time (2013-11-29 13:01)
Glen: Woop Woop ! Go Dave !! (2013-11-29 04:47)
DNF 46 PARLEVLIET, Cameron (44) 19:05.05 (79) 2:14:15
Michael Mc: Tune those legs for summer. (2013-11-29 20:45)
Pablo: be positive and enjoy the riding, we're with you son (2013-11-29 03:53)
DNF 3 SPENCER, Trevor (10) 18:00.45 (53) 3:36:29
DNF 52 BURT, Patrick (61) 19:27.09 (85) 4:10:16
Michael McR.: keep kicking hard MyFriend (2013-11-29 04:37)
DNF 80 BENSLEY, Nick (12) 18:04.65 4:27:59
Stu : Great work Mr Bensley (2013-11-30 09:37)
Pete: Well done Nick (2013-11-29 10:48)
Gus Gollings: Wahoo! Good job, champ. (2013-11-29 07:45)
Nathan: Unlucky that the course had hills mate... (2013-11-29 06:16)
Eliza: Great ride Nick. (2013-11-29 04:58)
Kosmos Samaras: Monster! (2013-11-29 04:00)
Wilko: Nice work bro!!! Great start! (2013-11-29 03:23)
Greg F: Top effort go get em tomorrow ..ring a ding ding (2013-11-29 11:02)
Blair: Just remember theres KOM's in bright ;) Good luck (2013-11-29 07:02)
LukeM: Bring on the climbs Schleck! Good luck tomorrow mate. (2013-11-29 06:41)
Herbert the Pervert: Well done mate. (2013-11-29 03:29)
DNF 65 GASSNER, Matt (77) 20:03.08
Hoges: Congratulations (2013-11-29 04:14)
DNF 19 DERHAM, William (90) 21:31.28
DNF 68 MCLEAN, David (76) 3:54:41
DNS 94 COOPER, Mitchell
DNS 88 PAYNE, Matthew
DNS 82 TROY, Michael
DNS 69 BOURKE, Jay Sluiten