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Yarmouth 2013
Yarmouth Clam Festival
Verenigde Staten
Datum :
Weg - Wedstrijd
Yarmouth (Maine), Verenigde Staten
Yarmouth (Maine), Verenigde Staten
Hoofdindex Yarmouth
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Sam Rosenholtz
in 01h 21m 30.00s
Luciano Pavan
op 00.00s
Travis Kroot
op 02.00s
Colin Murphy
op 00.00s
Skip Foley
op 00.00s
162.10 Sam Rosenholtz (1 - Cat1) Brookline, MA 1:21:30 301686 79 GREEN LINE VELO driven by Zipcar
[2nd Place] 2 166.45 Luciano Pavan (2 - Cat1) Fitchburg, MA 1:21:30 197469 66 MetLife - NorEast Cycling
[3rd Place] 3 170.81 Travis Kroot (1 - Cat2) Cumberland Foreside, ME 1:21:32 322408 42 Boston Bicycle School
4 175.17 Colin Murphy (2 - Cat2) Cambridge, MA 1:21:32 207152 60 Embrocation / Gaulzetti Cicli
5 179.52 Skip Foley (3 - Cat1) Concord, MA 1:21:32 55755 20 TIME FACTORY TEAM - Velo Pasadena
6 183.88 Alex Cox (4 - Cat1) Somerville, MA 1:21:32 207002 13 CCB Racing
[Team 2nd Place] 7 188.23 Peter Bell (5 - Cat1) Cambridge, MA 1:21:33 199984 4 MetLife - NorEast Cycling
8 192.59 Harrison Harb (6 - Cat1) Hopkinton, NH 1:21:33 208909 34 Sunapee
9 196.95 Joshua Lehmann (3 - Cat2) Weare, NH 1:21:34 208018 45 ENGVT
10 201.30 Jason Barella (4 - Cat2) Brookline 1:21:34 354176 3 Grinta Cycling Team p/b Erba Cycles
11 205.66 Nicholas Rogers (7 - Cat1) Philadelphia, PA 1:21:34 290087 78 p.b. Vie 13
12 210.02 Paul Richard (5 - Cat2) Amesbury, MA 1:21:34 29708 76 CCB Racing
13 214.37 Anthony Giguere (1 - Cat3) Winslow, ME 1:21:34 174497 28 INSIGHT MRI RACING
14 218.73 Pier Pennoyer (2 - Cat3) Boulder, CO 1:21:34 398821 67 Colavita Cycling Club
15 223.08 Edward Sebok (3 - Cat3) Scarborough, ME 1:21:34 208402 82 OA/ Cyclemania
16 227.44 Alex Grabau (4 - Cat3) Framingham , MA 1:21:34 13816 29 Ride Studio Cafe
17 231.80 Dominic Giampaolo (6 - Cat2) Mountain View, CA 1:21:34 196229 26
18 236.15 Scott White (5 - Cat3) Lisbon 1:21:34 377496 96 Rancourt & Co. Cycling
19 240.51 David Gray (7 - Cat2) Portsmouth, NH 1:21:35 13955 30 GS Panache
[Team 1st Place] 20 244.87 Cole Archambault (8 - Cat2) Brookline, MA 1:21:35 273689 2 GREEN LINE VELO driven by Zipcar
21 249.22 Alan Pimentel (6 - Cat3) Dover Nh 1:21:37 366869 69 CCB Racing
22 253.58 Carl Hitchcock (7 - Cat3) South Portland, ME 1:21:37 126471 37 OA/CycleMania
23 257.93 Craig Schaepe (8 - Cat3) Goffstown, NH 1:21:38 70224 81 NorEast Cycling
24 262.29 Geoffrey Bouchard (9 - Cat3) Coventry, RI 1:21:38 349570 5 Nbx bikes/narragansett beer/apex tech
25 266.65 Preston Buehrer (10 - Cat3) Boston, MA 1:21:38 290822 9 B2C2 p/b Boloco
26 271.00 Benjamin Pagano (11 - Cat3) Andover, MA 1:21:39 281677 63 Riverside Racing
27 275.36 Johan Gibcus (9 - Cat2) Worcester 1:21:39 335822 27 Grinta Cycling Team p/b Erba Cycles
28 279.72 Kyle Gates (10 - Cat2) Dorchester, MA 1:21:39 54377 23 BostonBicycleSchool P/B UrbanAdventours
[Team 2nd Place] 29 284.07 Ryan Fleming (8 - Cat1) Exeter, NH 1:21:41 184042 19 MetLife - NorEast Cycling
30 288.43 Bret Page (12 - Cat3) Sanbornville, NH 1:21:41 364833 64 NorEast Cycling
31 292.78 Jeffrey Gelt (11 - Cat2) Farmington, CT 1:21:41 13030 25 team ERRACE p/b Central Wheel
32 297.14 Eric Follen (12 - Cat2) Sanford, ME 1:21:41 306655 21 Momentum Barracuda Cycling
33 301.50 Graham Roeber (13 - Cat3) Yarmouth, ME 1:21:41 344062 77 Base36 cycling
34 305.85 Daniel Guiney (13 - Cat2) Newmarket, NH 1:21:41 294270 32 Sunapee/Continental Paving/Buchikas
35 310.21 neal coughlin (14 - Cat3) Lewiston, ME 1:21:42 303889 12 Rancourt & Co. Cycling
36 314.57 Gabriel Remillard (15 - Cat3) West Hartford, CT 1:21:42 300578 74 CLR-Racing
37 318.92 Christopher Darling (16 - Cat3) Lovell, ME 1:21:43 281968 14 OA/ CycleMania
38 323.28 Ronald Bourgoin (14 - Cat2) Carabassett Valley, ME 1:21:43 4399 6 Momentum Barracuda Cycling
39 327.63 Eliot Pitney (17 - Cat3) Brunswick, ME 1:21:43 355868 70 Base 36/SMCC/Gorham Bike
40 331.99 Nevin Rallis (18 - Cat3) Windham, ME 1:21:43 248423 72
41 336.35 Alden Suokko (19 - Cat3) Woodstock, VT 1:21:44 299713 86 KMS Development Team
42 340.70 Kenneth McNeill (20 - Cat3) Rutland, VT 1:21:44 311527 52 B2C2 P/B BOLOCO
43 345.06 Todd Mion (15 - Cat2) Greenville , SC 1:21:51 50781 54 RTO National
[Team 1st Place] 44 349.42 Gregg Izzo (16 - Cat2) Randolph, MA 1:21:55 291083 38 GREEN LINE VELO driven by Zipcar
45 353.77 Hunter Resek (17 - Cat2) East Dover, VT 1:21:57 315400 75 CCB Racing
46 358.13 R Dunn (21 - Cat3) Vassalboro, ME 1:22:00 149530 18 INSIGHT MRI RACING
47 362.48 Kyle Smith (18 - Cat2) Acton, MA 1:22:00 202213 84 Embrocation / Gaulzetti Cicli
48 366.84 Michael Martin (22 - Cat3) Brooklyn, CT 1:22:07 305134 50 Expo Wheelmen
49 371.20 Peter Cole (23 - Cat3) Carrabassett, ME 1:22:08 316536 11 Momentum Barracuda Cycling
50 375.55 Paul Denis (24 - Cat3) Fairfield, ME 1:22:08 118982 15 INSIGHT MRI RACING
51 379.91 Christopher Green (19 - Cat2) N Yarmouth, ME 1:22:10 182648 31 Portland Velo Club/Cyclemania
52 384.27 Daniel Vaillancourt (9 - Cat1) Watertown, MA 1:22:10 174967 89 Ride Studio Cafe
53 388.62 Joseph Lynch (25 - Cat3) Windham, ME 1:22:10 225306 48 OA/Cyclemania
54 392.98 Timothy Mitchell (10 - Cat1) Ashland, MA 1:22:19 137395 55 CCB Racing
55 397.33 Paul Weiss (26 - Cat3) Cumberland, ME 1:22:26 37617 94 OA/CycleMania
[Team 1st Place] 56 401.69 David Warner (20 - Cat2) Jamaica Plain, MA 1:22:35 334000 92 GREEN LINE VELO driven by Zipcar
57 406.05 William Morris (21 - Cat2) Woburn, MA 1:22:40 296995 57 Grinta Cycling Team p/b Erba Cycles
58 410.40 Patrick Ruane (22 - Cat2) Bow, NH 1:22:49 30782 80 Sunapee/Continental Paving/Buchikas
59 414.76 synjen marrocco (23 - Cat2) Hanson, MA 1:22:58 276237 49 CCB Racing
60 419.11 Eric Weinrich (27 - Cat3) Yarmouth, ME 1:23:30 227867 93 Momentum Barracuda Cycling
61 423.47 Toby Walch (11 - Cat1) Scarborough, ME 1:23:31 184178 90 Portland Velo Club/Cyclemania
62 427.83 David Andersen (28 - Cat3) Boston, MA 1:23:31 301941 53 Boston Road Club
[Team 2nd Place] 63 432.18 Ryan Kelly (24 - Cat2) Atkinson, NH 1:24:35 207445 40 MetLife - NorEast Cycling
[Team 2nd Place] 64 436.54 Andrew Gardner (25 - Cat2) Ripton, VT 1:24:36 173470 22 MetLife - NorEast Cycling
[Team 2nd Place] 65 440.90 Landen Wark-Acebo (26 - Cat2) Brighton, MA 1:24:37 237597 91 MetLife - NorEast Cycling
66 445.25 Bruce Diehl (29 - Cat3) Jackson, NH 1:24:50 63934 16 Sunapee/Continental Paving/Buchikas
67 449.61 Peter Bowring (27 - Cat2) Norwood, MA 1:24:51 304148 7 Embrocation / Gaulzetti Cicli
68 453.96 James Morrison (28 - Cat2) Newton, MA 1:24:52 246459 58 Embrocation Cycling Journal
69 458.32 Jurgen Nebelung (29 - Cat2) Portland, ME 1:24:54 205575 62 Embrocation / Gaulzetti Cicii
70 462.68 Jorma Mueller (30 - Cat2) Arlington, MA 1:28:49 64761 59 CCB Racing
71 467.03 Dylan Mcnicholas (12 - Cat1) Stratham, NH 1:28:49 268394 1 ccb racing
[Team 1st Place] 72 471.39 Arthur Moran (31 - Cat2) Somerville, MA 1:30:21 251580 56 GREEN LINE VELO driven by Zipcar
73 475.75 Craig Harrison (32 - Cat2) Peacham, VT P&P 49535 35 Sunapee/Continental Paving/Buchika's Racing Team
74 480.10 Stephen Lake (30 - Cat3) Newton, MA P&P 120875 43 545 Velo
75 484.46 Kenneth Thoman (31 - Cat3) Ipswich, MA P&P 287044 88 Ride Studio Cafe
76 488.81 Christopher Naimie (33 - Cat2) Bow, NH P&P 55766 61 Sunapee/Continental Paving/Buchika's Ski and Bike Racing Team
77 493.17 Sean Lamontagne (32 - Cat3) Webster, NH P&P 117899 44 Sunapee/Continental Paving/Buchika's
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