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Tour of Ulster 2013
Datum :
1e etappe
122,4 km
Weg - Etappe
, Groot-Brittannië
, Groot-Brittannië
Hoofdindex Tour of Ulster
Index 2013
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Roger Aiken
in 03h 05m 09.00s
Chris Reilly
op 00.00s
Tim Barry
op 00.00s
1 Aiken,Roger Louth County Team 3h05’09″
2 Reilly,Chris Bohermeen CC 3h05’09″
3 Barry,Tim Team Aqua Blue 3h05’09″
4 Murphy,Conor Team Eurocycles 3h05’39″ @30″
5 McAllister,Conor Chain Reaction Cycles – Vitus 3h05’39″ @ s/t
6 Duncan,Frazer Team Eurocycles 3h06’22″ @01’13″
7 Fenlon,Joe Team Aqua Blue 3h06’22″ @ s/t
8 Swinand,Greg Usher Irish Road Club 3h06’22″ @ s/t
9 McKenna,Stephen Omagh Wheelers 3h07’31″ @02’22″
10 Jeffers,Gary East Tyrone CC 3h07’33″ @02’24″
11 Nulty,Javan DID Dunboyne CC 3h07’33″ @ s/t
12 Martin,Thomas Team Eurocycles 3h07’33″ @ s/t
13 Cranston,Gary East Antrim Audi CC 3h07’33″ @ s/t
14 O’Shaughnessy,Ray Louth County Team 3h07’33″ @ s/t
15 Shaw,Damien Team Aqua Blue 3h07’33″ @ s/t
16 McCrystal,Bryan Louth County Team 3h07’33″ @ s/t
17 Meehan,Andrew DID Dunboyne CC 3h07’33″ @ s/t
18 MacAulay,Ali Phoenix CC 3h07’33″ @ s/t
19 O’Regan,Tim DID Dunboyne CC 3h07’33″ @ s/t
20 Mac Giolla Bhain,Conor North Pole CC 3h07’33″ @ s/t
21 Clarke,Cormac Newry Wheelers 3h07’33″ @ s/t
22 Connors,Odhran Orwell Wheelers 3h07’33″ @ s/t
23 Robinson,Colin Stamullen M Donnelly 3h07’33″ @ s/t
24 MacManusa,Art South Dublin CC 3h08’44″ @03’35″
25 Davenport,James South Dublin CC 3h08’44″ @ s/t
26 Clarke,Patrick Castlebar CC 3h09’04″ @03’55″
27 Gibson,Fran Team Seeng.Ie 3h09’04″ @ s/t
28 Devlin,Rory North Pole CC 3h09’04″ @ s/t
29 Rooney,Fergus Phoenix CC 3h09’04″ @ s/t
30 Frawley,Liam Galway Bay CC 3h09’04″ @ s/t
31 Quigley,Mark Western Lakes CC 3h09’04″ @ s/t
32 Larmour,William East Antrim Audi CC 3h09’11″ @04’02″
33 McCormack,Gareth Castlebar CC 3h09’11″ @ s/t
34 Mc Carthy,John Team Aqua Blue 3h09’11″ @ s/t
35 Hanna,Conor North Down CC 3h09’11″ @ s/t
36 O’ Donohue,Aaron South Dublin CC 3h09’11″ @ s/t
37 Slattery,Matt Killarney CC 3h09’11″ @ s/t
38 Ryder,Mike Galway Bay CC 3h09’11″ @ s/t
39 Barret,Olan Team Aqua Blue 3h09’11″ @ s/t
40 Gator,Keith Team Aqua Blue 3h09’11″ @ s/t
41 Marrey,Padraig Western Lakes CC 3h09’11″ @ s/t
42 Behan,Darach Galway Bay CC 3h09’11″ @ s/t
43 Woods,Des Newry Wheelers 3h09’11″ @ s/t
44 O’Sullivan,Stephen DID Dunboyne CC 3h09’11″ @ s/t
45 Moriarty,Eugene T DID Dunboyne CC 3h09’11″ @ s/t
46 Ian,Richardson UCD CC 3h09’11″ @ s/t
47 Lacey,Sean Team Aqua Blue 3h09’11″ @ s/t
48 Con,Collis UCD CC 3h09’11″ @ s/t
49 Blayney,Matty North Down CC 3h09’11″ @ s/t
50 McMaster,James Curran Racing 3h09’11″ @ s/t
51 Heverin,John Clann Eireann 3h09’11″ @ s/t
52 Brennan,David Castlebar CC 3h09’11″ @ s/t
53 Watson,David North Down CC 3h11’35″ @06’26″
54 Doyle,Cathal Carn Wheelers 3h11’35″ @ s/t
55 Whiting,Daniel Orwell Wheelers 3h11’35″ @ s/t
56 McFaddan,Shaun North Pole CC 3h11’35″ @ s/t
57 Potts,Marc Omagh Wheelers 3h11’35″ @ s/t
58 Coyle,Ultan Louth County Team 3h11’35″ @ s/t
59 Armstrong,Adam Team Eurocycles 3h11’35″ @ s/t
60 Kinning,Glenn East Antrim Audi CC 3h11’35″ @ s/t
61 Rigley,Shaun South Dublin CC 3h11’35″ @ s/t
62 Morton,Eoin UCD CC 3h13’09″ @08’00″
63 Joyce,Derek Galway Bay CC 3h13’14″ @08’05″
64 Delaney,Cian Stamullen M Donnelly 3h13’56″ @08’47″
65 Mannix,John Killarney CC 3h14’06″ @08’57″
66 Kock,Marcel Phoenix CC 3h14’06″ @ s/t
67 Coyle,Chris Castlebar CC 3h14’06″ @ s/t
68 Burke,Derek Team Seeng.Ie 3h14’06″ @ s/t
69 Hutchinson,Stephen East Tyrone CC 3h14’06″ @ s/t
70 Parker,Barrick UCD CC 3h14’06″ @ s/t
71 Flaherty,John James Western Lakes CC 3h14’06″ @ s/t
72 Quinn,Colm Louth County Team 3h14’06″ @ s/t
73 McKinney,Bryan Duffin Transport Race Team 3h14’06″ @ s/t
74 McKinley,Drew Newry Wheelers 3h14’06″ @ s/t
75 Lawlor,Maurice Team Aqua Blue 3h14’06″ @ s/t
76 O’Connor,Frank Stamullen M Donnelly 3h14’06″ @ s/t
77 Crowley,Aidan DID Dunboyne CC 3h14’06″ @ s/t
78 Clifford,Eoghan Galway Bay CC 3h14’06″ @ s/t
79 Sweetman,Craig Stamullen M Donnelly 3h14’06″ @ s/t
80 Laverty,Colm Stamullen M Donnelly 3h14’06″ @ s/t
81 Moloney,Brendan South Dublin CC 3h19’32″ @14’23″
82 McCabe,Will Team Eurocycles 3h21’06″ @15’57″
83 Curran,Liam Curran Racing 3h26’55″ @21’46″
84 Kennedy,Peter East Antrim Audi CC 3h26’55″ @ s/t
85 Henry,Jason Unattached Ulster 3h26’55″ @ s/t
86 O’Hagan,Niall Duffin Transport Race Team 3h26’55″ @ s/t
87 Mulligan,Paul Team Eurocycles 3h26’55″ @ s/t
88 Irvine,Mark North Down CC 3h26’58″ @21’49″
89 Bremner,Philip Lakeland CC 3h27’01″ @21’52″
Did Not Finish: 78-Vaughan.P, 88-Kelly.R, 94-Gibson.J, 96-McDonald.D
Did Not Start: 7-Beattie.C, 13-Clarke.C, 16-Heaney.M, 26-McMahon.H, 29-McIlwaine.D, 30-Patton.R, 42-Forde.N, 46-Dunlop.D, 58-Lagan.D, 61-Buchanan.M, 63-Jeffries.O, 71-O’Brien.P, 72-Barry.E
KOM Category 3: Springwell – 29.1 miles
1. Aiken,R 10pts
2. Barry,T 7pts
2. Fenlon,J 5pts
KOM Category 2: Cam Forest - 37.5 miles
1. Aiken,R 15pts
2. Murphy,C 11pts
3. Barry,T 8pts
4. McAllister,C 6pts
KOM Category 3: Plantation Road – 47.5 miles
1. Aiken,R 10pts
2. McAllister,C 7pts
3. Barry,T 5pts
KOM Category 1: Birrn Mountain – 60.5 miles
1. Aiken,R 20pts
2. Barry,T 15pts
3. Reilly,C 11pts
4. McAllister,C 8pts
5. Murphy,C 6pts
General Classification
1 Aiken,Roger A1 Louth County Team 3h05’09″
2 Reilly,Chris A1 Bohermeen CC 3h05’09″ = s/t
3 Barry,Tim A1 Team Aqua Blue 3h05’09″ = s/t
4 Murphy,Conor A1 Team Eurocycles 3h05’39″ @30″
5 McAllister,Conor A1 Chain Reaction Cycles – Vitus 3h05’39″ = s/t
6 Duncan,Frazer A1 Team Eurocycles 3h06’22″ @01’13″
7 Fenlon,Joe A1 Team Aqua Blue 3h06’22″ = s/t
8 Swinand,Greg A1 Usher Irish Road Club 3h06’22″ = s/t
9 McKenna,Stephen A2 Omagh Wheelers 3h07’31″ @02’22″
10 Jeffers,Gary A1 East Tyrone CC 3h07’33″ @02’24″
11 Nulty,Javan YA1 DID Dunboyne CC 3h07’33″ = s/t
12 Martin,Thomas A1 Team Eurocycles 3h07’33″ = s/t
13 Cranston,Gary A1 East Antrim Audi CC 3h07’33″ = s/t
14 O’Shaughnessy,Ray A1 Louth County Team 3h07’33″ = s/t
15 Shaw,Damien A1 Team Aqua Blue 3h07’33″ = s/t
16 McCrystal,Bryan A1 Louth County Team 3h07’33″ = s/t
17 Meehan,Andrew A1 DID Dunboyne CC 3h07’33″ = s/t
18 MacAulay,Ali A2 Phoenix CC 3h07’33″ = s/t
19 O’Regan,Tim A1 DID Dunboyne CC 3h07’33″ = s/t
20 Mac Giolla Bhain,Conor YA2 North Pole CC 3h07’33″ = s/t
21 Clarke,Cormac YA1 Newry Wheelers 3h07’33″ = s/t
22 Connors,Odhran A1 Orwell Wheelers 3h07’33″ = s/t
23 Robinson,Colin A1 Stamullen M Donnelly 3h07’33″ = s/t
24 MacManusa,Art A1 South Dublin CC 3h08’44″ @03’35″
25 Davenport,James A2 South Dublin CC 3h08’44″ = s/t
26 Clarke,Patrick A1 Castlebar CC 3h09’04″ @03’55″
27 Gibson,Fran A1 Team Seeng.Ie 3h09’04″ = s/t
28 Devlin,Rory A1 North Pole CC 3h09’04″ = s/t
29 Rooney,Fergus A1 Phoenix CC 3h09’04″ = s/t
30 Frawley,Liam A1 Galway Bay CC 3h09’04″ = s/t
31 Quigley,Mark A2 Western Lakes CC 3h09’04″ = s/t
32 Larmour,William A2 East Antrim Audi CC 3h09’11″ @04’02″
33 McCormack,Gareth A2 Castlebar CC 3h09’11″ = s/t
34 Mc Carthy,John A2 Team Aqua Blue 3h09’11″ = s/t
35 Hanna,Conor A2 North Down CC 3h09’11″ = s/t
36 O’ Donohue,Aaron A2 South Dublin CC 3h09’11″ = s/t
37 Slattery,Matt A1 Killarney CC 3h09’11″ = s/t
38 Ryder,Mike A1 Galway Bay CC 3h09’11″ = s/t
39 Barret,Olan A1 Team Aqua Blue 3h09’11″ = s/t
40 Gator,Keith A1 Team Aqua Blue 3h09’11″ = s/t
41 Marrey,Padraig A1 Western Lakes CC 3h09’11″ = s/t
42 Behan,Darach A2 Galway Bay CC 3h09’11″ = s/t
43 Woods,Des A2 Newry Wheelers 3h09’11″ = s/t
44 O’Sullivan,Stephen A1 DID Dunboyne CC 3h09’11″ = s/t
45 Moriarty,Eugene T A1 DID Dunboyne CC 3h09’11″ = s/t
46 Ian,Richardson A1 UCD CC 3h09’11″ = s/t
47 Lacey,Sean A1 Team Aqua Blue 3h09’11″ = s/t
48 Con,Collis A1 UCD CC 3h09’11″ = s/t
49 Blayney,Matty A1 North Down CC 3h09’11″ = s/t
50 McMaster,James A1 Curran Racing 3h09’11″ = s/t
51 Heverin,John A1 Clann Eireann 3h09’11″ = s/t
52 Brennan,David A1 Castlebar CC 3h09’11″ = s/t
53 Watson,David A2 North Down CC 3h11’35″ @06’26″
54 Doyle,Cathal A2 Carn Wheelers 3h11’35″ = s/t
55 Whiting,Daniel A1 Orwell Wheelers 3h11’35″ = s/t
56 McFaddan,Shaun A2 North Pole CC 3h11’35″ = s/t
57 Potts,Marc YA1 Omagh Wheelers 3h11’35″ = s/t
58 Coyle,Ultan A2 Louth County Team 3h11’35″ = s/t
59 Armstrong,Adam A1 Team Eurocycles 3h11’35″ = s/t
60 Kinning,Glenn A1 East Antrim Audi CC 3h11’35″ = s/t
61 Rigley,Shaun A2 South Dublin CC 3h11’35″ = s/t
62 Morton,Eoin A1 UCD CC 3h13’09″ @08’00″
63 Joyce,Derek A1 Galway Bay CC 3h13’14″ @08’05″
64 Delaney,Cian A2 Stamullen M Donnelly 3h13’56″ @08’47″
65 Mannix,John A2 Killarney CC 3h14’06″ @08’57″
66 Kock,Marcel A2 Phoenix CC 3h14’06″ = s/t
67 Coyle,Chris A1 Castlebar CC 3h14’06″ = s/t
68 Burke,Derek A2 Team Seeng.Ie 3h14’06″ = s/t
69 Hutchinson,Stephen A2 East Tyrone CC 3h14’06″ = s/t
70 Parker,Barrick YA2 UCD CC 3h14’06″ = s/t
71 Flaherty,John James A2 Western Lakes CC 3h14’06″ = s/t
72 Quinn,Colm A1 Louth County Team 3h14’06″ = s/t
73 McKinney,Bryan A1 Duffin Transport Race Team 3h14’06″ = s/t
74 McKinley,Drew A2 Newry Wheelers 3h14’06″ = s/t
75 Lawlor,Maurice A2 Team Aqua Blue 3h14’06″ = s/t
76 O’Connor,Frank A2 Stamullen M Donnelly 3h14’06″ = s/t
77 Crowley,Aidan A1 DID Dunboyne CC 3h14’06″ = s/t
78 Clifford,Eoghan A1 Galway Bay CC 3h14’06″ = s/t
79 Sweetman,Craig A1 Stamullen M Donnelly 3h14’06″ = s/t
80 Laverty,Colm A2 Stamullen M Donnelly 3h14’06″ = s/t
81 Moloney,Brendan A2 South Dublin CC 3h19’32″ @14’23″
82 McCabe,Will A2 Team Eurocycles 3h21’06″ @15’57″
83 Curran,Liam A1 Curran Racing 3h26’55″ @21’46″
84 Kennedy,Peter A2 East Antrim Audi CC 3h26’55″ = s/t
85 Henry,Jason A1 Unattached Ulster 3h26’55″ = s/t
86 O’Hagan,Niall A2 Duffin Transport Race Team 3h26’55″ = s/t
87 Mulligan,Paul A1 Team Eurocycles 3h26’55″ = s/t
88 Irvine,Mark YA2 North Down CC 3h26’58″ @21’49″
89 Bremner,Philip YA2 Lakeland CC 3h27’01″ @21’52″
Under 23 Rider Overall
1. Nulty,J = 3h07’33″
2. Giolla Bhain,C st
3. Clarke,C st
4. . Potts,M @ 04’02″
5. Parker,B @ 06’33″
6. Irvine,M @ 19’25″
7. Bremner,P @ 19’28″
Team General Classification
1. Team Aqua Blue 9h19’04″
2. Team Eurocycles @ 30″
3. Louth County Team @ 01’11″
4. DID Dunboyne CC @ 03’35″
5. South Dublin CC @ 07’35″
6. Galway Bay CC @ 08’22″
7. Castlebar CC = s/t
8. North Pole CC @ 09’08″
9. East Antrim Audi CC @ 09’15″
10. North Down CC @ 10’53″
11. Phoenix CC @ 11’39″
12. Newry Wheelers @ 11’46″
13. UCD CC @ 12’27″
14. Western Lakes CC @ 13’17″
15. Stamullen M Donnelly @ 16’31″
Mountains Competition
1. Aiken,R 55
2. Barry,T 35
3. McAllister,C 21
4. Murphy,C 17
5. Reilly,C 11
6. Fenlon,J 5
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