1 Pål Fritsvold 308 01:47:16
2 John Faulkner 112 01:52:21
3 Pascal Duquette 108 01:52:30
4 Freek de Haas 107 01:52:32
5 Tobias Munch 304 01:52:42
6 Philip Howard 117 01:52:45
7 Vince Langford 124 02:01:46
8 Alastair Insall 118 02:21:11
9 Alan Knight 121 02:26:08
10 John Chevis 104 02:26:35
11 James Campbell 103 02:32:21
12 Jan Thygesen 141 02:37:20
13 Wayne Gaudet 115 02:38:01
14 Phil Kissel 120 02:42:12
15 Alex Beraskow 301 02:42:49
16 Diederik Branger 101 02:43:06
17 Alex Morier 130 02:44:15
18 Steffen Vogt 144 02:44:22
19 Kevin Thiessen 140 03:02:00
20 Jared Lester 126 03:23:14
21 Darragh O'Riordan 133 03:23:52
22 Mike Vermeulen 143 03:28:20
23 Rob Paskulin 306 03:29:54
24 Andy Morritt 307 03:32:21
25 Thijs Kupers 123 03:38:38
26 Chris Walker 145 03:38:56
27 Marco Panebianco 135 03:39:09
28 Daniel Wood 148 12:00:00
29 Bas Willems 146 12:00:00
30 James Bowen 309 12:00:00
Rank Name Plate Flag Time
1 Elizabeth Brown 102 02:11:07
2 Rosi Winn 147 02:21:35
3 Bridget O'Meara 132 02:29:23
4 Natalie Howard 305 02:34:56
5 Susanne Froehle 113 02:40:17
6 Tessa Melck 129 02:44:21
7 Marie-Claire Oziem 134 02:44:22
8 Silvia Daetwiler 106 03:01:40
9 Sybille Zehringer 149 03:17:01
10 Anne Cook 105 03:21:16
11 Naomi Johnson 119 03:38:46
12 Irin Zschokke 150 03:39:08
13 Patricia Gaudet 114 12:00:00
14 Tracy Esterhuyzen 111 12:00:00
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Latest Tour News
Follow the TDA 2013 through Africa
Many of the riders and staff on the current TDA are keeping blogs of their amazing adventure. Here is a... continued
The places your bicycle takes you is everywhere in between
To look at these two photos and think that they were taken just one week apart, gives perspective to the... continued
Memories of the Lake Nasser Ferry (2003)
FERRY! What’s that? The quintessential experience on Lake Nasser was that of the very first year, when the riders biked... continued
Gondar Rest Days
This rest day is really best put into perspective to appreciate what a beautiful thing this is. First, picture the... continued
Meet TDA 2013 Bike Mechanic Catalin Pricoiu
While wrenching and riding along-side TDA 2011 race winner Paul Wolfe and hearing stories of a 4 month bicycle expedition... continued
Last days of desert camps, last days of solitude
Before we arrive, our camp location could easily be written off as ‘nowhere’. Our trucks arrive, the kitchen is set... continued
My Most Favorite Border Crossing.
Here is a little anecdotal story of the immigration office aboard the Lake Nasser ferry…crossing from Egypt into the Sudan. It’s just after sun-set,... continued
Pharaoh’s Delight – A look back at Cairo – Khartoum
One section down, only seven to go. With nearly 2,000kms behind us, it feels like we’ll be in Cape Town... continued
Race Results – Pharaoh’s Delight section
Every year there are those riders who show up in Cairo with the sole intention of winning the Tour d’Afrique... continued
Sand Storm 2013
The day started like any other day; sunshine, nice tail winds, smooth pavement, easy day. As the morning went on,... continued
more Tour News Oorspronkelijke tekstEen betere vertaling bijdragen
1 Pascal Duquette 108 93:48:10
2 John Faulkner 112 100:37:04
3 Philip Howard 117 103:37:21
4 Tobias Munch 304 106:22:25
5 Vince Langford 124 108:16:50
6 Freek de Haas 107 117:43:58
7 Alastair Insall 118 121:28:26
8 Jan Thygesen 141 126:00:48
9 Steffen Vogt 144 127:34:38
10 Alex Beraskow 301 129:09:43
11 Bas Willems 146 130:32:36
12 Alan Knight 121 133:53:33
13 Wayne Gaudet 115 136:20:44
14 Kevin Thiessen 140 138:25:49
15 Alex Morier 130 139:00:14
16 Darragh O'Riordan 133 140:02:25
17 Thijs Kupers 123 142:19:45
18 Marco Panebianco 135 146:40:39
19 John Chevis 104 148:22:03
20 James Campbell 103 148:37:17
21 Rob Paskulin 306 154:09:41
22 Phil Kissel 120 155:25:17
23 Jared Lester 126 155:40:46
24 Diederik Branger 101 161:58:27
25 Chris Walker 145 162:42:37
26 Daniel Wood 148 165:15:43
27 Andy Morritt 307 167:46:13
28 Mike Vermeulen 143 175:21:42
Rank Name Plate Flag Time
1 Bridget O'Meara 132 118:33:55
2 Elizabeth Brown 102 122:02:14
3 Rosi Winn 147 125:37:39
4 Marie-Claire Oziem 134 134:44:50
5 Tessa Melck 129 136:38:49
6 Silvia Daetwiler 106 138:35:31
7 Natalie Howard 305 147:57:10
8 Naomi Johnson 119 151:15:43
9 Susanne Froehle 113 155:16:18
10 Tracy Esterhuyzen 111 173:32:53
11 Anne Cook 105 174:46:00
12 Irin Zschokke 150 176:10:51
13 Patricia Gaudet 114 181:44:00
14 Sybille Zehringer 149 182:04:35
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Latest Tour News
Follow the TDA 2013 through Africa
Many of the riders and staff on the current TDA are keeping blogs of their amazing adventure. Here is a... continued
The places your bicycle takes you is everywhere in between
To look at these two photos and think that they were taken just one week apart, gives perspective to the... continued
Memories of the Lake Nasser Ferry (2003)
FERRY! What’s that? The quintessential experience on Lake Nasser was that of the very first year, when the riders biked... continued
Gondar Rest Days
This rest day is really best put into perspective to appreciate what a beautiful thing this is. First, picture the... continued
Meet TDA 2013 Bike Mechanic Catalin Pricoiu
While wrenching and riding along-side TDA 2011 race winner Paul Wolfe and hearing stories of a 4 month bicycle expedition... continued
Last days of desert camps, last days of solitude
Before we arrive, our camp location could easily be written off as ‘nowhere’. Our trucks arrive, the kitchen is set... continued
My Most Favorite Border Crossing.
Here is a little anecdotal story of the immigration office aboard the Lake Nasser ferry…crossing from Egypt into the Sudan. It’s just after sun-set,... continued
Pharaoh’s Delight – A look back at Cairo – Khartoum
One section down, only seven to go. With nearly 2,000kms behind us, it feels like we’ll be in Cape Town... continued
Race Results – Pharaoh’s Delight section
Every year there are those riders who show up in Cairo with the sole intention of winning the Tour d’Afrique... continued
Sand Storm 2013
The day started like any other day; sunshine, nice tail winds, smooth pavement, easy day. As the morning went on,... continued
more Tour News Oorspronkelijke tekstEen betere vertaling bijdragen