1 Joesph Lewis (Trek-LIVESTRONG) 1:34:14
2 Alejandr Borrajo (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita)
3 Aaron Kemps (V Australia Pro Cycling)
4 Dan Summerhill (Chipotle Development Team)
5 Anibal Borrajo (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita)
6 Francis Mancebo (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team)
7 Michael Northey (Pure Black Racing)
8 Jay Thomson (BISSELL Pro Cycling)
9 Andres Diaz (Team Exergy)
10 Van Uden Roman (Pure Black Racing)
11 Luis Amaran (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita)
12 Jeremy Vennell (BISSELL Pro Cycling)
13 Alexander Howes (Chipotle Development Team)
14 Ben Jacques-Mayne (BISSELL Pro Cycling)
15 Frank Pipp (BISSELL Pro Cycling)
16 Luis Zamudio (Herbalife LaGrange)
17 Tom Zirbel (Hotel San Jose/ACME)
18 George Bennett (Trek-LIVESTRONG)
19 James Stemper (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling)
20 Ben Day (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling)
21 Jacob Rathe (Chipotle Development Team)
22 Alfredo Cruz (Chipotle Development Team)
23 Tyler Wren (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita)
24 Dale Parker (Trek-LIVESTRONG)
25 John Walker (V Australia Pro Cycling)
26 Michael Olheiser (Team juwi solar/First Solar)
27 Nichol Schreiber (Landis - Trek)
28 Chris Stastny (California Giant/Specialized)
29 Matt Cooke (Team Exergy)
30 Jason Donald (KBS-OptumHealth)
31 Reid Mumford (KBS-OptumHealth)
32 Lachlan Morton (Chipotle Development Team)
33 Scott Lyttle (Pure Black Racing)
34 Hayden Brooks (V Australia Pro Cycling)
35 Josh Berry (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team)
36 Taylor Gunman (Pure Black Racing)
37 Cesar Grajales (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team)
38 Glen Chadwick (Pure Black Racing)
39 Stefan Rothe (Team Rio Grande)
40 Robert Britton (BISSELL Pro Cycling)
41 Mich Grabinger (RideClean p/b PatentIt.com)
42 Chris Baldwin (BISSELL Pro Cycling)
43 John Bennett (California Giant/Specialized)
44 Andrei Krasilnikau (Chipotle Development Team)
45 Danny Heeley (NOW-MS Society)
46 Cole House (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team)
47 Ryan Eastman (Trek-LIVESTRONG)
48 Logan Loader (RideClean p/b PatentIt.com)
49 Quinn Keogh (Team Exergy)
50 Ozzie Olmos (California Giant/Specialized)
51 Bobby Sweeting (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling)
52 Chris Parrish (Hagens Berman LLP)
53 Eric Wohlberg (KBS-OptumHealth)
54 Chris Winn (V Australia Pro Cycling)
55 Anders Newbury (Chipotle Development Team)
56 Paul Mach (BISSELL Pro Cycling)
57 Dan Bowman (KBS-OptumHealth)
58 Andrew Bajadali (KBS-OptumHealth)
59 Jacob Rytlewski (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling)
60 Joe Dombrowski (Trek-LIVESTRONG)
61 Roland Gonzalez (Colavita NM DEX)
62 Darren Rolfe (V Australia Pro Cycling)
63 Andy Baker (BISSELL Pro Cycling)
64 Sean Passage (Byrne Invent)
65 Christian Parret (Chemstar p/b United Healthcare)
66 Chad Haga (Team Rio Grande)
67 Blair Berbert (Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV)
68 Tim Gudsell (Pure Black Racing)
69 Greg Krause (Team juwi solar/First Solar)
70 Roman Kilun (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling)
71 David Glick (RideClean p/b PatentIt.com)
72 Lang Reynolds (Hagens Berman LLP)
73 Sam Johnson (Team Exergy)
74 Julian Kyer (KBS-OptumHealth)
75 Chris Hong (Team Exergy)
76 Chris Uberti (Landis - Trek)
77 Ian Burnett (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team)
78 Daniel Barry (Pure Black Racing)
79 Shawn Milne (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling)
80 Kirk Carlsen (Chipotle Development Team)
81 Kennett Peterson (Hagens Berman LLP)
82 Drew Christopher (Team Rio Grande)
83 Evan Huffman (California Giant/Specialized)
84 Joshua Atkins (Trek-LIVESTRONG)
85 Andrew Guptill (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita)
86 Phil Gaimon (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling)
87 Taylor Shelden (V Australia Pro Cycling)
88 Michael Freiberg (V Australia Pro Cycling)
89 Josue Gonzalez (La Jolla)
90 Alister Ratcliff (BikeReg.com / Cannondale)
91 Stefano Barberi (Team un-attached P/B Barberi)
92 Logan Hutchings (Hotel San Jose/ACME)
93 Trevor Connor (Team Rio Grande)
94 Coulto Hartrich (Chemstar p/b United Healthcare)
95 Eric Stubbs (GearLink Racing Inc.)
96 Thomas Faiers (Wonderful Pistachios Pro Cycling)
97 Neil Coleman (Wonderful Pistachios Pro Cycling)
98 James Mccoy (Pure Black Racing)
99 Chris Aten (Landis - Trek)
100 Benjamin Blaugrund (Team juwi solar/First Solar)
101 Nathaniel English (Yahoo! Cycling Team)
102 Austin Allison (Horizon Organic/Panache Elite)
103 Kai Applequist (Team Exergy)
104 Stephen Leece (NOW MS-Society)
105 Matthew Carinio (ArtsCyclery.com/Wild Horse)
106 Uriy Urchenka (Third Pillar)
107 Mike Mathis (RideClean p/b PatentIt.com)
108 Justin Laue (Sport Systems Mountaintop Cycling)
109 Drew Miller (Landis - Trek)
110 Jamey Driscoll (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita)
111 Scott Law (V Australia Pro Cycling)
112 Fernand Antogna (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita)
113 Karl Evans
114 Marsh Cooper (KBS-OptumHealth)
115 Aliak Sinelnikau (Third Pillar)
116 Fredd Matute (Chemstar p/b United Healthcare)
117 John Phillips (Team Rio Grande)
118 Daniel Bechtold (Hagens Berman LLP)
119 Tom Nankervis (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team)
120 Evan Hyde (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team)
121 Ian Holt (Team Rio Grande)
122 Jared Gilyard (RideClean p/b PatentIt.com)
123 Thomas Jondall (Landis - Trek)
124 Art Rand (Marc Pro - Strava)
125 Victor Riquelme (Wonderful Pistachios Pro Cycling))
126 James Mattis (California Giant/Specialized)
127 Carter Jones (Trek-LIVESTRONG)
128 Eric Riggs (Yahoo! Cycling Team)
129 Thomas Rabou (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team) 0:02:20
130 Scott Tietzel (Team Rio Grande) 0:03:18
131 Gabe Varela (Yahoo! Cycling Team)
132 Shane Braley (Chemstar p/b United Healthcare) 0:03:38
133 James Wingert (Yahoo! Cycling Team) 0:04:38
134 Eddy Kwon (Wonderful Pistachios Pro Cycling) 0:09:07
135 Chris Hillier (Team Rio Grande) 0:11:02
Elite men general classification after stage 4 # Rider Name (Country) Team Result
1 Francisco Mancebo (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team) 9:19:44
2 Ben Day (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling) 0:01:15
3 Luis Amaran (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita) 0:01:40
4 Dale Parker (Trek-LIVESTRONG) 0:01:53
5 Lachlan Morton (Chipotle Development Team) 0:02:03
6 George Bennett (Trek-LIVESTRONG) 0:02:08
7 Nathaniel English (Yahoo! Cycling Team) 0:02:09
8 Alexander Howes (Chipotle Development Team) 0:02:19
9 Matt Cooke (Team Exergy) 0:02:20
10 Chris Baldwin (BISSELL Pro Cycling) 0:02:21
11 Tyler Wren (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita) 0:02:32
12 Joesp Dombrowski (Trek-LIVESTRONG) 0:02:33
13 Cesar Grajales (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team) 0:02:38
14 Glen Chadwick (Pure Black Racing) 0:02:50
15 Ben Jacques-Maynes (BISSELL Pro Cycling) 0:03:00
16 Robert Britton (BISSELL Pro Cycling) 0:03:01
17 Jeremy Vennell (BISSELL Pro Cycling) 0:03:05
18 Michael Olheiser (Team juwi solar/First Solar) 0:03:26
19 Andres Diaz (Team Exergy) 0:03:32
20 Chad Haga (Team Rio Grande) 0:03:41
21 Darren Rolfe (V Australia Pro Cycling) 0:03:59
22 Jason Donald (KBS-OptumHealth) 0:04:07
23 Paul Mach (BISSELL Pro Cycling) 0:04:21
24 Alister Ratcliff (BikeReg.com / Cannondale) 0:04:26
25 Chris Parrish (Hagens Berman LLP) 0:04:30
26 Scott Lyttle (Pure Black Racing) 0:04:34
27 Evan Huffman (California Giant/Specialized) 0:04:35
28 Jacob Rytlewski (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling) 0:04:50
29 Hayden Brooks (V Australia Pro Cycling) 0:05:08
30 Josh Berry (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team) 0:05:23
31 Ian Burnett (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team)
32 James Stemper (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling) 0:05:29
33 Jay Thomson (BISSELL Pro Cycling)
34 Christian Parret (Chemstar p/b United Healthcare) 0:05:30
35 Alfredo Cruz (Chipotle Development Team) 0:05:37
36 Frank Pipp (BISSELL Pro Cycling) 0:05:43
37 Joshua Atkins (Trek-LIVESTRONG) 0:05:45
38 Phil Gaimon (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling) 0:05:48
39 David Glick (RideClean p/b PatentIt.com) 0:05:51
40 John Bennett (California Giant/Specialized) 0:06:02
41 Jacob Rathe (Chipotle Development Team) 0:06:09
42 Stefano Barberi (Team un-attached P/B Barberi) 0:06:10
43 Trevor Connor (Team Rio Grande) 0:06:22
44 Eric Wohlberg (KBS-OptumHealth) 0:06:23
45 Lang Reynolds (Hagens Berman LLP) 0:06:31
46 Ozzie Olmos (California Giant/Specialized) 0:06:32
47 Roman Kilun (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling) 0:06:56
48 Ian Holt (Team Rio Grande) 0:07:01
49 Reid Mumford (KBS-OptumHealth) 0:07:09
50 Chris Hong (Team Exergy) 0:07:17
51 James Mccoy (Pure Black Racing) 0:07:23
52 Jamey Driscoll (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita)
53 Michael Freiberg (V Australia Pro Cycling) 0:07:28
54 Uden Van Uden (Pure Black Racing)
55 Coulton Hartrich (Chemstar p/b United Healthcare) 0:07:34
56 Andre Krasilnikau (Chipotle Development Team) 0:07:39
57 Taylor Shelden (V Australia Pro Cycling) 0:07:45
58 Austin Allison (Horizon Organic/Panache Elite Cycling) 0:07:50
59 Andrew Guptill (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita) 0:07:53
60 Drew Miller (Landis - Trek) 0:08:02
61 Daniel Bechtold (Hagens Berman LLP) 0:08:11
62 James Mattis (California Giant/Specialized) 0:08:27
63 Chris Winn (V Australia Pro Cycling) 0:08:36
64 Luis Zamudio (Herbalife LaGrange) 0:08:38
65 Blair Berbert (Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV) 0:08:44
66 Greg Krause (Team juwi solar/First Solar) 0:08:49
67 Dan Bowman (KBS-OptumHealth) 0:09:03
68 Uriy Urchenka (Third Pillar) 0:09:28
69 Tim Gudsell (Pure Black Racing) 0:09:43
70 Julian Kyer (KBS-OptumHealth) 0:09:57
71 Fredd Matute (Chemstar p/b United Healthcare) 0:10:14
72 Rolando Gonzalez (Colavita NM DEX) 0:10:20
73 Karl Evans 0:10:22
74 Bobby Sweeting (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling) 0:10:35
75 Taylor Gunman (Pure Black Racing) 0:10:39
76 Jared Gilyard (RideClean p/b PatentIt.com) 0:10:48
77 Daniel Barry (Pure Black Racing) 0:11:02
78 Ryan Eastman (Trek-LIVESTRONG) 0:11:19
79 Logan Hutchings (Hotel San Jose/ACME) 0:11:25
80 Sean Passage (Byrne Invent) 0:11:32
81 Neil Coleman (Wonderful Pistachios Pro Cycling) 0:11:38
82 Daniel Summerhill (Chipotle Development Team) 0:12:02
83 Chris Stastny (California Giant/Specialized) 0:13:01
84 Kirk Carlsen (Chipotle Development Team) 0:13:04
85 Chris Aten (Landis - Trek) 0:13:31
86 Josue Gonzalez (La Jolla) 0:13:32
87 Aliaksa Sinelnikau (Third Pillar) 0:13:45
88 Stefan Rothe (Team Rio Grande) 0:13:51
89 Andrew Bajadali (KBS-OptumHealth) 0:14:00
90 Aaron Kemps (V Australia Pro Cycling) 0:14:20
91 John Phillips (Team Rio Grande) 0:14:22
92 Andy Baker (BISSELL Pro Cycling)
93 Stephen Leece (NOW MS-Society) 0:14:37
94 Anibal Borrajo (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita) 0:15:05
95 Michael Grabinger (RideClean p/b PatentIt.com) 0:15:11
96 Kennett Peterson (Hagens Berman LLP) 0:15:13
97 Fernando Antogna (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita) 0:15:14
98 Carter Jones (Trek-LIVESTRONG) 0:15:15
99 Michael Northey (Pure Black Racing) 0:15:17
100 Shane Braley (Chemstar p/b United Healthcare) 0:15:25
101 Eric Stubbs (GearLink Racing Inc.) 0:15:28
102 Marsh Cooper (KBS-OptumHealth) 0:15:34
103 John Walker (V Australia Pro Cycling) 0:15:49
104 Alejandro Borrajo (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita) 0:15:59
105 Danny Heeley (NOW-MS Society) 0:16:20
106 Chris Uberti (Landis - Trek) 0:16:59
107 Evan Hyde (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team) 0:17:49
108 Shawn Milne (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling) 0:17:52
109 Justin Laue (Sport Systems Mountaintop Cycling) 0:17:56
110 Thomas Jondall (Landis - Trek) 0:18:41
111 Art Rand (Marc Pro - Strava) 0:18:45
112 Joesph Lewis (Trek-LIVESTRONG) 0:19:38
113 Thomas Rabou (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team) 0:20:30
114 Scott Tietzel (Team Rio Grande) 0:22:01
115 Mike Mathis (RideClean p/b PatentIt.com) 0:22:26
116 Kai Applequist (Team Exergy) 0:23:07
117 Cole House (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team) 0:23:20
118 Anders Newbury (Chipotle Development Team) 0:26:22
119 Benja Blaugrund (Team juwi solar/First Solar) 0:26:31
120 Tom Zirbel (Hotel San Jose/ACME) 0:26:41
121 James Wingert (Yahoo! Cycling Team) 0:27:10
122 Eric Riggs (Yahoo! Cycling Team) 0:30:17
123 Logan Loader (RideClean p/b PatentIt.com) 0:30:48
124 Sam Johnson (Team Exergy) 0:30:57
125 Victor Riquelme (Wonderful Pistachios Pro Cycling) 0:31:33
126 Eddy Kwon (Wonderful Pistachios Pro Cycling) 0:32:29
127 Tommy Nankervis (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team) 0:33:51
128 Quinn Keogh (Team Exergy) 0:40:07
129 Drew Christopher (Team Rio Grande) 0:41:10
130 Chris Hillier (Team Rio Grande) 0:43:04
131 Thomas Faiers (Wonderful Pistachios Pro Cycling) 0:44:05
132 Matthew Carinio (ArtsCyclery.com/Wild Horse Wines) 0:49:44
133 Gabe Varela (Yahoo! Cycling Team) 0:50:37
134 Scott Law (V Australia Pro Cycling) 0:51:08
135 Nicholau Schreiber (Landis - Trek) 1:11:29
Points classification # Rider Name (Country) Team Result
1 Joesph Lewis (Trek-LIVESTRONG) 32 pts
2 Anibal Borrajo (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita) 26
3 Frank Pipp (BISSELL Pro Cycling) 21
4 Daniel Summerhill (Chipotle Development Team) 19
5 Francisco Mancebo (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team) 15
6 Alexander Howes (Chipotle Development Team) 13
7 Aaron Kemps (V Australia Pro Cycling) 10
8 Roman Van Uden (Pure Black Racing) 8
9 Cole House (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team) 6
10 Jay Thomson (BISSELL Pro Cycling) 6
11 Michael Northey (Pure Black Racing) 6
12 Michael Freiberg (V Australia Pro Cycling) 5
13 John Walker (V Australia Pro Cycling) 4
14 James Stemper (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling p/b Geargrinder) 4
15 Jason Donald (KBS-OptumHealth) 3
16 Andres Diaz (Team Exergy) 2
17 Thomas Rabou (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team) 1
18 Joshua Atkins (Trek-LIVESTRONG) 1
19 Ben Day (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling p/b Geargrinder) 1
King of the Mountains classification # Rider Name (Country) Team Result
1 Francisco Mancebo (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team) 15 pts
2 Tyler Wren (Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita) 12
3 Jay Thomson (BISSELL Pro Cycling) 10
4 Joesph Dombrowski (Trek-LIVESTRONG) 9
5 Alexander Howes (Chipotle Development Team) 7
6 George Bennett (Trek-LIVESTRONG) 5
7 Chris Baldwin (BISSELL Pro Cycling) 3
8 Marsh Cooper (KBS-OptumHealth) 3
9 Ian Holt (Team Rio Grande) 3
10 Evan Hyde (Realcyclist.com Cycling Team) 2
11 Joesph Lewis (Trek-LIVESTRONG) 2
12 Michael Northey (Pure Black Racing) 2
13 Ben Day (Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro Cycling p/b Geargrinder) 1
Teams classification # Rider Name (Country) Team Result
1 Trek-LIVESTRONG 28:04:37
2 BISSELL Pro Cycling 0:00:53
3 Realcyclist.com Cycling Team 0:01:50
4 Kenda/5-Hour Energy Pro 0:03:34
5 Chipotle Development Team 0:04:30
6 Jamis Sutter Home p/b Colavita 0:05:14
7 Pure Black Racing 0:05:32
8 Team Exergy 0:06:00
9 Team Rio Grande 0:09:29
10 California Giant/Specialized 0:09:34
11 KBS-OptumHealth 0:10:15
12 V australia Pro Cycling 0:10:54
13 Hagens Berman LLP 0:13:47
14 Chemstar p/b United 0:16:41
15 RideClean p/b PatentIt.com 0:18:38
16 Landis - Trek 0:28:45
17 Team juwi solar/First Solar 0:33:21
18 Yahoo! Cycling Team 0:50:13
19 Wonderful Pistachios Pro Cycling 1:01:06