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Delta 2010
Tour de Delta
Datum :
Klassement - Weg - Eindklassement
Delta (British Columbia), Canada
Delta (British Columbia), Canada
Hoofdindex Delta
Index 2010
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David Veilleux
in 04h 36m 14s
Svein Tuft
op 04s
Zachary Bell
op 29s
Ryan Anderson
op 39s
Benjamin Chaddock
op 42s
1 11 Veilleux David Kelly Benefit Strategies 1 03:59.94 1:13:38.40 00:10.00 -10 3:18:52.2 00:06.00 -6 4:36:14.54
2 5 Tuft Svein Garmin – Transitions 1 03:47.00 1:13:43.00 00:06.00 -6s 3:18:55.3 4:36:19.30 0:04.76
3 10 Bell Zach Kelly Benefit Strategies 1 03:53.00 1:14:17.10 3:18:43.7 00:10.00 -10 4:36:43.80 0:29.26
4 12 Anderson Ryan Kelly Benefit Strategies 1 03:48.36 1:14:17.10 3:18:52.4 00:04.00 -4 4:36:53.86 0:39.32
5 36 Chaddock Ben Rubicon-ORBEA; Benefiting LIVESTRONG 1 03:46.52 1:14:17.10 3:18:53.8 4:36:57.42 0:42.88
6 7 Routley Will Jelly Belly p/b Kenda 1 03:48.72 1:14:19.90 3:18:54.1 4:37:02.72 0:48.18
7 1 Pinfold Andrew UnitedHealthCare Pro Cycling 1 03:54.12 1:14:17.10 3:18:52.6 4:37:03.82 0:49.28
8 23 Sidic Mike Team H&R BLOCK 2 03:50.86 1:14:19.90 3:18:54.1 4:37:04.86 0:50.32
9 60 Reams Jesse Garneau Evolution 2 03:51.69 1:14:19.90 3:18:55.0 4:37:06.59 0:52.05
10 39 Gunman Taylor Rubicon-ORBEA; Benefiting LIVESTRONG 1 03:53.46 1:14:19.90 3:18:54.9 4:37:08.26 0:53.72
11 3 Hegyvary Adrian UnitedHealthCare Pro Cycling 1 03:50.82 1:14:19.90 3:18:57.6 4:37:08.32 0:53.78
12 58 Deardon Curtis Garneau Evolution 2 03:55.32 1:14:19.90 3:18:53.7 4:37:08.92 0:54.38
13 48 Diaz Andres Team Exergy 1 03:59.59 1:14:17.10 3:18:53.3 4:37:09.99 0:55.45
14 37 vanUden Roman Rubicon-ORBEA; Benefiting LIVESTRONG 1 03:55.24 1:14:19.90 3:18:54.9 4:37:10.04 0:55.50
15 52 Abercrombie Tim Garneau Evolution 1 03:55.43 1:14:19.90 3:18:55.1 4:37:10.43 0:55.89
16 43 Kangarloo Cyrus Total Restoration Cycling Team 1 03:57.08 1:14:19.90 3:18:53.6 4:37:10.58 0:56.04
17 38 Northey Mike Rubicon-ORBEA; Benefiting LIVESTRONG 1 04:00.19 1:14:17.10 3:18:53.3 4:37:10.59 0:56.05
18 65 Fisher Steve Hagens Berman LLP 2 03:58.61 1:14:19.90 3:18:54.0 4:37:12.51 0:57.97
19 18 McLeod Garrett Team H&R BLOCK 1 03:56.03 1:14:19.90 3:18:56.9 4:37:12.83 0:58.29
20 62 Smitheman Spencer Hagens Berman LLP 1 03:58.97 1:14:19.90 3:18:54.7 4:37:13.57 0:59.03
21 42 Sparling Jamie Total Restoration Cycling Team 1 03:53.86 1:14:19.90 3:19:00.1 4:37:13.86 0:59.32
22 2 Schmitt Morgan UnitedHealthCare Pro Cycling 1 03:58.13 1:14:19.90 3:18:57.2 4:37:15.23 1:00.69
23 17 Andrews Dustin Team H&R BLOCK 1 03:58.50 1:14:19.90 3:19:00.5 4:37:18.90 1:04.36
24 47 Rowe Kevin Team Exergy 1 04:00.22 1:14:19.90 3:18:59.3 4:37:19.42 1:04.88
25 21 Salas Sebastian Team H&R BLOCK 1 04:06.14 1:14:19.90 3:18:55.6 4:37:21.64 1:07.10
26 45 Aarden Marcel Total Restoration Cycling Team 1 04:04.59 1:14:19.90 3:18:57.3 4:37:21.79 1:07.25
27 44 Bunnin Shawn Total Restoration Cycling Team 1 04:09.07 1:14:19.90 3:18:54.3 4:37:23.27 1:08.73
28 83 Aitcheson Ryan Jet Fuel Coffee 1 04:08.35 1:14:19.90 3:18:56.5 4:37:24.75 1:10.21
29 102 Guzman Marvin Independent 2 04:14.70 1:14:19.90 3:18:55.0 4:37:29.60 1:15.06
30 9 Cooper Marsh Kelly Benefit Strategies 1 04:09.76 1:14:19.90 3:19:01.7 4:37:31.36 1:16.82
31 63 Reynolds Lang Hagens Berman LLP 1 04:13.67 1:14:19.90 3:18:59.1 4:37:32.67 1:18.13
32 28 Hamilton Nic Trek Red Truck Racing p/b Mosaic Homes 1 03:52.86 1:14:19.90 3:19:26.0 4:37:38.76 1:24.22
33 19 Kerr Justin Team H&R BLOCK 1 03:52.29 1:14:19.90 3:19:43.9 4:37:56.09 1:41.55
34 95 Rothengatter Mike dEVo 2 03:55.67 1:14:19.90 3:19:54.9 4:38:10.47 1:55.93
35 33 Logan Craig Trek Red Truck Racing p/b Mosaic Homes 2 03:56.36 1:14:19.90 3:19:54.6 4:38:10.86 1:56.32
36 74 Stephens David Team Coastal 2 03:59.61 1:14:19.90 3:19:55.6 4:38:15.11 2:00.57
37 46 MacDonald Dan Total Restoration Cycling Team 1 04:08.61 1:14:19.90 3:19:54.5 4:38:23.01 2:08.47
38 78 Laxdal Mike Westwood Cycle/Cannondale p/b Vision Sports 2 04:15.85 1:14:19.90 3:19:54.6 4:38:30.35 2:15.81
39 75 Buckosky Kyle Team Coastal 2 04:11.02 1:14:19.90 3:21:09.7 4:39:40.62 3:26.08
40 35 Keogh Quinn Rubicon-ORBEA; Benefiting LIVESTRONG 1 04:03.93 1:14:19.90 3:21:38.6 4:40:02.43 3:47.89
41 54 McGarity Christopher Garneau Evolution 1 04:09.36 1:14:19.90 3:21:40.6 4:40:09.86 3:55.32
42 50 Applequist Kai Team Exergy 1 04:00.17 1:14:19.90 3:23:13.1 4:41:33.17 5:18.63
43 49 Stuart Chris Team Exergy 1 04:02.65 1:14:19.90 3:23:13.9 4:41:36.45 5:21.91
44 92 Young Colter ERTC 2 04:11.35 1:14:19.90 3:23:13.3 4:41:44.55 5:30.01
45 81 Meyer Stephen Jet Fuel Coffee 1 04:11.21 1:14:19.90 3:23:14.2 4:41:45.31 5:30.77
46 55 O'Hagan Matthew Garneau Evolution 1 04:15.78 1:14:19.90 3:23:09.8 4:41:45.48 5:30.94
47 86 Goodfellow William 1 04:14.69 1:14:19.90 3:23:13.1 4:41:47.69 5:33.15
48 30 Skinner Dan Trek Red Truck Racing p/b Mosaic Homes 1 03:59.15 1:14:19.90 3:24:01.8 4:42:20.85 6:06.31
49 32 Vukets Dave Trek Red Truck Racing p/b Mosaic Homes 1 04:10.59 1:14:19.90 3:24:01.7 4:42:32.19 6:17.65
50 61 Martin Ted Garneau Evolution 2 04:00.24 1:14:19.90 3:26:19.4 4:44:39.54 8:25.00
51 98 Christie Chris Suarez/ 2 04:07.39 1:14:19.90 3:27:55.7 4:46:22.99 10:08.45
52 20 MacDonald Mark Team H&R BLOCK 1 04:09.83 1:14:19.90 3:27:56.1 4:46:25.83 10:11.29
53 64 Terry Ian Hagens Berman LLP 2 04:10.66 1:14:19.90 3:27:55.3 4:46:25.86 10:11.32
54 93 Werner Jeffrey Garneau Evolution 2 04:12.11 1:14:19.90 3:27:55.0 4:46:27.01 10:12.47
55 84 Berkenpas Mike Local Ride Racing 2 04:13.01 1:14:19.90 3:28:28.7 4:47:01.61 10:47.07
56 15 Schooler Aaron Team H&R BLOCK 1 03:54.16 1:14:19.90 3:29:27.9 4:47:41.96 11:27.42
57 89 Clifford Bradley ERTC Revolution 1 03:56.22 1:14:19.90 3:29:37.0 4:47:53.12 11:38.58
58 41 Mittermann Galen Rubicon-ORBEA; Benefiting LIVESTRONG 1 04:16.22 1:14:19.90 3:35:44.9 4:54:21.02 18:06.48
Out of GC
6 Britton Rob BISSELL Pro Cycling 1 DNS
27 Bell Mathew Trek Red Truck Racing p/b Mosaic Homes 1 DNS
31 MacDonald Nathan Trek Red Truck Racing p/b Mosaic Homes 1 DNS
88 Arguello Austin Independent 1 DNS
94 Hildebrand Vaughn IRC p/b Bob Cameron Law Corp 2 DNS
96 Stead Russell Mighty Riders 2 DNS
71 Gillam David Glotman Simpson Cycling 2 04:28.38 DNF
79 Loud Sam Westwood Cycle/Cannondale p/b Vision Sports 2 04:25.41 DNF
85 Young Zachary Local Ride Racing 2 04:17.85 DNF
91 Pelletier-Roy Remi Total Restoration Cycling Team 2 04:04.49 DNF
97 De Rosnay Emile Organic Athlete Victoria p/b Green Cuisine 2 04:03.08 DNF
100 Inman Scott Team Coastal 2 04:15.04 DNF
25 Neil James Trek Red Truck Racing p/b Mosaic Homes 1 04:06.60 DNF
70 Welbourn Bob Glotman Simpson Cycling 2 04:31.79 DNF
77 Conly Cuylar Westwood Cycle/Cannondale p/b Vision Sports 2 04:03.45 DNF
101 Macdonald Geoff ERTC Revolution 2 04:05.22 DNF
80 Base Julian Westwood Cycle/Cannondale p/b Vision Sports 2 04:23.89 DNF
69 Elliston Mike Glotman Simpson Cycling 2 04:15.50 DNF
4 Meier Christian Garmin – Transitions 1 03:51.72 1:14:17.10
8 Kilun Roman UnitedHealthCare Pro Cycling 1 04:10.18 1:14:19.90
16 McNeil Chris Team H&R BLOCK 1 04:02.44 1:14:19.90
22 Schwingboth Jacob Team H&R BLOCK 2 03:55.74 1:14:19.90
25 Neil James Trek Red Truck Racing p/b Mosaic Homes 1 04:06.60 1:14:19.90
26 Trace Tyler Trek Red Truck Racing p/b Mosaic Homes 1 03:58.54 1:14:17.10 00:04.00 -4s
29 Thuss Adam Trek Red Truck Racing p/b Mosaic Homes 1 04:08.68 1:14:17.10
34 Martin Boris Trek Red Truck Racing p/b Mosaic Homes 2 04:15.35 1:14:19.90
40 Allen Jason Rubicon-ORBEA; Benefiting LIVESTRONG 1 04:00.10 1:14:19.90
51 Gerth David Garneau Evolution 1 04:43.02 1:14:19.90
53 Kyle Andrew Garneau Evolution 1 04:03.48 1:16:44.88
56 O'Toole Geoff Garneau Evolution 1 04:03.02 1:14:19.90
57 Biggar Guy Garneau Evolution 2 04:08.26 1:14:19.90
59 Jones Keith Garneau Evolution 2 04:06.25 1:14:19.90
66 Wingfield Christopher Hagens Berman LLP 2 04:02.95 1:14:19.90
67 McAdams Rory Glotman Simpson Cycling 1 04:16.95 1:14:17.10
68 Perkins John Glotman Simpson Cycling 1 04:03.53 1:14:19.90
72 Worsfold Maurice Team Coastal 1 04:32.72 1:14:19.90
73 Worsfold Chris Team Coastal 1 04:26.38 1:14:19.90
76 Laliberte Scott Westwood Cycle/Cannondale p/b Vision Sports 1 04:09.51 1:14:19.90
77 Conly Cuylar Westwood Cycle/Cannondale p/b Vision Sports 2 04:03.45 1:14:19.90
80 Base Julian Westwood Cycle/Cannondale p/b Vision Sports 2 04:23.89 1:14:19.90
87 Berry Paul spoke 1 04:30.59 1:14:19.90
99 Mcknight Bailey Synergy 2 04:06.92 1:14:19.90
103 Ferris Stephen Calgary Cycle/top gear 2 04:16.02 1:14:19.90
104 Campbell Cody Trek-Livestrong U23 1 04:01.47 1:14:19.90
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