1st Sean Sullivan 60
2nd David Wenger Super Squadra 53
3rd Heath Blackgrove Team Hotel San Jose 48
4th Jonathan McCarty Matrix Cycling Club 43
5th Kristian House 38
6th Travis Burandt The Woodlands Cycling Club 34
7th Kolt Bates FCS/ Metro Volkswagen 30
8th Ryan Dewald 26
9th Colt Trant Matrix Cycling Club 23
10th John Cody Matrix Cycling Club 20
11th Andrew Wilson CA Pools Racing 17
12th Alan Ting Super Squadra 15
13th Mathew Ankney Dallas Racing 13
14th Alexander Welch Dallas Racing 12
15th Peter Carey 11
16th Russ Walker FCS/ Metro Volkswagen 10
17th Ronald Strange Team Hotel San Jose 9
18th Joseph Schmalz 8
19th Ryan McFeely Team ALS-C3 7
20th Jason Waddell Dallas Racing 6
21st Gregory (Lawson) Craddock Hot Tubes Development Cycling Team Inc. 5
22nd Chad Cagle Dallas Racing 4
23rd Bryan Fawley Dallas Racing 3
24th Alex Battles-Wood Team Hotel San Jose 2
25th mike lalla 1
26th Eddie Swedlund Matrix Cycling Club
27th Robert Kane Bicycle-Heaven
28th Max Miley Matrix Cycling Club
29th Chris Lowry Velossimo Racing
30th Thacker Reeves Matrix Cycling Club
31st Travis Wilky Team Brain and Spine Cycling
32nd Kris French Panther pb Competitive Cyclist
33rd Joseph Spragins Rockwall Cycling
34th Scott Veggeberg GS Tenzing
35th Paul Mica
36th Mathew Davis Team LaS'port
37th Chris Carlson Matrix Cycling Club
38th Zach Bergh Team Hotel San Jose
39th Nick Coil
40th Winfield Gibson Tulsa Wheelmen
41st robert snedden Mirage
42nd Phil Wikoff Super Squadra
44th John McAllister Velossimo Racing
45th J. Alain Ferry
46th J Andrews PROACTIVE
47th Jay Blankenship
48th Stanley Prutz S3 Racing team
49th Brian Wyrick Matrix Cycling Club
50th Scott Wenzel
51st Daniel Opdyke Team Hotel San Jose
52nd Ruarri Day-Stirrat Team Hotel San Jose
53rd Thomas Kubicek PROACTIVE
54th Justin Wallace ThinkCash Racing
55th Steven Wheeler Super Squadra
56th justin rempel Dallas Racing
57th Tucker Gerald Dallas Racing
58th Janne Hamalainen Tulsa Wheelmen
59th Jesse Moran