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Tour de Prince Edward Island (V) 2009
Tour de Pei
Datum :
3e etappe
120,2 km
Weg - Etappe
Kensington (Prince Edward Island), Canada
Hoofdindex Tour de Prince Edward Island (V)
Index 2009
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Giorgia Bronzini
in 03h 26m 14s
Rochelle Gilmore
Martine Bras
Sara Mustonen
Emma Mackie
op 01s
1 10 10 ITA19830803
12 GILMORE, Rochelle Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 03:26:14 00:00 2 12 9 AUS19811214
1 BRAS, Martine Selle Italia Ghezzi 03:26:14 00:00 3 5 4 NED19780517
53 MUSTONEN, Sara Team Hitec Products UCK 03:26:14 00:00 4 4 1 SWE19810208
14 MACKIE, Emma Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 03:26:15 00:01 5 1 AUS19840909
86 ZUCKERMANDEL, Denise German National Team Women Road 03:26:15 00:01 6 GER19881210
73 KITCHEN, Lauren Australian National Team 03:26:15 00:01 7 AUS19901121
22 LAMBORELLE, Nathalie Team Uniqa-ELK 03:26:15 00:01 8 LUX19880201
51 BEKKERING, Danielle Team Hitec Products UCK 03:26:15 00:01 9 NED19761225
31 LEMIEUX, Audrey ESGL93-GSD Gestion 03:26:15 00:01 10 CAN19850509 C
84 GEBHARDT, Elke German National Team Women Road 03:26:15 00:01 11 GER19830722
131 WANGSGARD, Nichole Colavita Sutter Homes 03:26:15 00:01 12 USA19720628
164 CANUEL, Karol-Ann Specialized Mazda Samson Mixed 03:26:15 00:01 13 CAN19880418 C
2 TAMANINI, Luisa Selle Italia Ghezzi 03:26:15 00:01 14 5 3 ITA19800131
112 PETERSEN, Emma Team Ultralink 03:26:15 00:01 15 NZL19900402
65 TREW, Jenny Canadian National Cycling Team 03:26:15 00:01 16 CAN19810914 C
44 TAYLOR, Cherise Team MTN Energade 03:26:15 00:01 17 RSA198911061
142 CARON, Joanie Équipe Cascades-ABC Cycles 03:26:15 00:01 18 CAN19840427 C
134 LOGAN, Heather Colavita Sutter Homes 03:26:15 00:01 19 CAN19820514 C
45 SWART, Carla Team MTN Energade 03:26:15 00:01 20 RSA19871126
11 TORP, Linn Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 03:26:15 00:01 21 NOR19770422
74 O'DONNELL, Bridie Australian National Team 03:26:15 00:01 22 3 2 AUS19740429
56 SÖDERBERG, Isabelle Team Hitec Products UCK 03:26:15 00:01 23 SWE19890528
52 HATTELAND, Tone Team Hitec Products UCK 03:26:15 00:01 24 NOR19791218
21 DEGLE, Stefanie Team Uniqa-ELK 03:26:15 00:01 25 GER19861019
72 MACLEAN, Jessie Australian National Team 03:26:15 00:01 26 AUS19851017
3 BORGATO, Giada Selle Italia Ghezzi 03:26:15 00:01 27 ITA19890615
43 VAN DER MERWE, Marissa Team MTN Energade 03:26:15 00:01 28 RSA197808301
155 KIRCHMAN, Leah Atlantic Cycling Center 03:26:15 00:01 29 CAN19900630 C
141 LABONTÉ, Véronique Équipe Cascades-ABC Cycles 03:26:15 00:01 30 CAN19800915 C
23 PINTARELLI, Daniela Team Uniqa-ELK 03:26:15 00:01 31 AUT19831110
24 RUZICKOVA, Martina Team Uniqa-ELK 03:26:15 00:01 32 3 2 CZE19800322
151 MACGREGOR, Moriah Jo Atlantic Cycling Center 03:26:15 00:01 33 CAN19740511 C
66 RAMSDEN, Denise Canadian National Cycling Team 03:26:15 00:01 34 CAN19901121 C
4 PRESTI, Gloria Selle Italia Ghezzi 03:26:15 00:01 35 ITA19890929
6 BOZOLO, Laura Selle Italia Ghezzi 03:26:15 00:01 36 ITA19850928
93 MORFIN, Lorenza Team Mixed-Mexico 03:26:15 00:01 37 MEX19820109
96 ROCHA, Mayra Team Mixed-Mexico 03:26:15 00:01 38 MEX 19881026
46 MILKOWSKI, Anna Team MTN Energade 03:26:15 00:01 39 USA19750120
Juge: Commissaire chef:
04:17:00 Hors délai
Page 1 sur 3 Résultats: Martine Duperré, émis le: mardi, 09 juin 2009 15:58
Carla Geyer Louise Collins
Nb Partants 84 Nb hors-délai: 0
Dos. Surname, name Team Rang Time Diff.
Classement Individuel/
Individual Classification
Kensington - North Rustico 3 Étape/Stage:
UCI Code Pts Bon.
120 Km 34,91 Km/Hre
153 GILLIS, Cara Atlantic Cycling Center 03:26:15 00:01 40 CAN19780914 C
92 JURADO, Jessica Team Mixed-Mexico 03:26:15 00:01 41 MEX19880928
13 KOEDOODER, Vera Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 03:26:15 00:01 42 NED19831031
54 FOSS, Line Team Hitec Products UCK 03:26:15 00:01 43 NOR19780812
166 BORCHI, Alessandra Specialized Mazda Samson Mixed 03:26:15 00:01 44 ITA19830815
5 BAGDONAVICIUTE, Agne Selle Italia Ghezzi 03:26:15 00:01 45 LTU19850604
71 TAYLOR, Carlee Australian National Team 03:26:15 00:01 46 AUS19890215
35 THOMAS, Beatrice ESGL93-GSD Gestion 03:26:15 00:01 47 1 1 FRA19810707
63 STEWART, Sarah Canadian National Cycling Team 03:26:15 00:01 48 CAN19781203 C
83 DITTMAN, Laura German National Team Women Road 03:26:15 00:01 49 GER19900513
162 ELLIOTT, Natacha Specialized Mazda Samson Mixed 03:26:15 00:01 50 CAN19780626 C
85 MERTEN, Fransiska German National Team Women Road 03:26:15 00:01 51 GER19891019
152 WHITTEN, Tara Atlantic Cycling Center 03:26:15 00:01 52 CAN19800713 C
143 POULIN, Lucie Équipe Cascades-ABC Cycles 03:26:15 00:01 53 CAN19780607 C
75 HALLIDAY, Amber Australian National Team 03:26:15 00:01 54 AUS19791113
121 FORTIN, Véronique Équipe du Québec 03:26:15 00:01 55 CAN19800122 C
34 MAJERUS, Christine ESGL93-GSD Gestion 03:26:15 00:01 56 LUX19870225
36 LESUEUR, Melodie ESGL93-GSD Gestion 03:26:15 00:01 57 FRA19900312
42 VILJOEN, Chrissie Team MTN Energade 03:26:15 00:01 58 0 RSA197612111
62 BUNNIN, Andrea Canadian National Cycling Team 03:26:32 00:18 59 CAN19870608 C
126 ALBRECHT, Lex Équipe du Québec 03:30:18 04:04 60 CAN19870406 C
76 SUMMERS, Davina Australian National Team 03:30:28 04:14 61 AUS19790603
132 GAUTHIER, Shontell Colavita Sutter Homes 03:30:28 04:14 62 USA19680908
144 BILODEAU, Véronique Équipe Cascades-ABC Cycles 03:30:31 04:17 63 CAN19891115 C
55 KLOPPENBURG, Margriet Team Hitec Products UCK 03:31:08 04:54 64 DEN19880118
82 SCHNITZMEIER, Anna Bianca German National Team Women Road 03:31:08 04:54 65 GER19900727
133 GUZMAN, Anne Colavita Sutter Homes 03:31:08 04:54 66 CAN19750412 C
61 GULOIEN, Leah Canadian National Cycling Team 03:31:08 04:54 67 CAN19810723 C
122 ROY, Émilie Équipe du Québec 03:31:08 04:54 68 CAN19850612 C
116 BRADLEY, Julia Team Ultralink 03:34:24 08:10 69 CAN19711205 C
64 RATHWELL, Megan Canadian National Cycling Team 03:35:12 08:58 70 CAN19840928 C
113 LAMPI, Allison Team Ultralink 03:35:12 08:58 71 CAN19761108 C
146 GAUTHIER, Virginie Équipe Cascades-ABC Cycles 03:35:36 09:22 72 CAN19910427 C
115 CARTMILL, Carolyn Team Ultralink 03:41:37 15:23 73 CAN19790314 C
135 VALENCIA-BECERRA, Sandra Colavita Sutter Homes 03:43:47 17:33 74 COL19841023
95 MENDOZA, Yesica Team Mixed-Mexico 03:43:47 17:33 75 COL19890622
94 DOMINGUEZ, Miriam Team Mixed-Mexico 03:49:27 23:13 76 MEX19820201
124 CRÊTE, Valérie Équipe du Québec 03:54:59 28:45 77 CAN19890626 C
145 COUTURE, Catherine Équipe Cascades-ABC Cycles 03:59:41 33:27 78 CAN19890709 C
Juge: Commissaire chef:
04:17:00 Hors délai
Page 2 sur 3 Résultats: Martine Duperré, émis le: mardi, 09 juin 2009 15:58
Carla Geyer Louise Collins
Nb Partants 84 Nb hors-délai: 0
Dos. Surname, name Team Rang Time Diff.
Classement Individuel/
Individual Classification
Kensington - North Rustico 3 Étape/Stage:
UCI Code Pts Bon.
120 Km 34,91 Km/Hre
161 PATENAUDE, Ariane Specialized Mazda Samson Mixed 03:59:45 33:31 79 CAN19870420 C
125 GAGNON, Geneviève Équipe du Québec 03:59:49 33:35 80 CAN19840301 C
163 ROLLINSON, Kyla Specialized Mazda Samson Mixed 03:59:49 33:35 81 CAN19751130 C
123 DUPONT-RENAUD, Laurie-An Équipe du Québec DNF 82 CAN19900904 C
81 KUPFERNAGEL, Hanka German National Team Women Road DNF 83 GER19740319
154 PERLMUTTER, Lisa Atlantic Cycling Center DNF 84 CAN19840502 C
114 FARRELL, Julia Team Ultralink DNS 85 CAN19670924 C
Juge: Commissaire chef:
04:17:00 Hors délai
Page 3 sur 3 Résultats: Martine Duperré, émis le: mardi, 09 juin 2009 15:58
Carla Geyer Louise Collins
Nb Partants 84 Nb hors-délai: 0
Dossard Nom/Name Équipe/Team Rang Temps/Time Écart/Diff
Classement Général Individuel /
General Individual Classification
3 étape/stage Après/After
74 O'DONNELL, Bridie Australian National Team 06:14:45 0:00:00 1 AUS19740429
152 WHITTEN, Tara Atlantic Cycling Center 06:14:46 0:00:01 2 CAN19800713 C
151 MACGREGOR, Moriah Jo Atlantic Cycling Center 06:15:24 0:00:39 3 CAN19740511 C
72 MACLEAN, Jessie Australian National Team 06:15:28 0:00:43 4 AUS19851017
13 KOEDOODER, Vera Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 06:15:36 0:00:51 5 NED19831031
45 SWART, Carla Team MTN Energade 06:15:36 0:00:51 6 RSA19871126
75 HALLIDAY, Amber Australian National Team 06:15:40 0:00:55 7 AUS19791113
66 RAMSDEN, Denise Canadian National Cycling Team 06:15:48 0:01:03 8 CAN19901121 C
141 LABONTÉ, Véronique Équipe Cascades-ABC Cycles 06:15:49 0:01:04 9 CAN19800915 C
43 VAN DER MERWE, Marissa Team MTN Energade 06:15:53 0:01:08 10 RSA197808301
2 TAMANINI, Luisa Selle Italia Ghezzi 06:16:02 0:01:17 11 ITA19800131
164 CANUEL, Karol-Ann Specialized Mazda Samson Mixed 06:16:13 0:01:28 12 CAN19880418 C
153 GILLIS, Cara Atlantic Cycling Center 06:16:15 0:01:30 13 CAN19780914 C
24 RUZICKOVA, Martina Team Uniqa-ELK 06:16:15 0:01:30 14 CZE19800322
162 ELLIOTT, Natacha Specialized Mazda Samson Mixed 06:16:22 0:01:37 15 CAN19780626 C
46 MILKOWSKI, Anna Team MTN Energade 06:16:28 0:01:43 16 USA19750120
31 LEMIEUX, Audrey ESGL93-GSD Gestion 06:16:30 0:01:45 17 CAN19850509 C
86 ZUCKERMANDEL, Denise German National Team Women Road 06:16:35 0:01:50 18 GER19881210
1 BRAS, Martine Selle Italia Ghezzi 06:16:38 0:01:53 19 NED19780517
85 MERTEN, Fransiska German National Team Women Road 06:16:40 0:01:55 20 GER19891019
11 TORP, Linn Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 06:16:42 0:01:57 21 NOR19770422
143 POULIN, Lucie Équipe Cascades-ABC Cycles 06:16:44 0:01:59 22 CAN19780607 C
4 PRESTI, Gloria Selle Italia Ghezzi 06:16:48 0:02:03 23 ITA19890929
71 TAYLOR, Carlee Australian National Team 06:16:49 0:02:04 24 AUS19890215
42 VILJOEN, Chrissie Team MTN Energade 06:16:51 0:02:06 25 RSA197612111
52 HATTELAND, Tone Team Hitec Products UCK 06:16:51 0:02:06 26 NOR19791218
84 GEBHARDT, Elke German National Team Women Road 06:16:54 0:02:09 27 GER19830722
36 LESUEUR, Melodie ESGL93-GSD Gestion 06:16:54 0:02:09 28 FRA19900312
53 MUSTONEN, Sara Team Hitec Products UCK 06:16:54 0:02:09 29 SWE19810208
134 LOGAN, Heather Colavita Sutter Homes 06:16:59 0:02:14 30 CAN19820514 C
54 FOSS, Line Team Hitec Products UCK 06:17:01 0:02:16 31 NOR19780812
73 KITCHEN, Lauren Australian National Team 06:17:02 0:02:17 32 AUS19901121
83 DITTMAN, Laura German National Team Women Road 06:17:02 0:02:17 33 GER19900513
21 DEGLE, Stefanie Team Uniqa-ELK 06:17:04 0:02:19 34 GER19861019
6 BOZOLO, Laura Selle Italia Ghezzi 06:17:04 0:02:19 35 ITA19850928
63 STEWART, Sarah Canadian National Cycling Team 06:17:06 0:02:21 36 CAN19781203 C
23 PINTARELLI, Daniela Team Uniqa-ELK 06:17:08 0:02:23 37 AUT19831110
14 MACKIE, Emma Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 06:17:21 0:02:36 38 AUS19840909
3 BORGATO, Giada Selle Italia Ghezzi 06:17:23 0:02:38 39 ITA19890615
166 BORCHI, Alessandra Specialized Mazda Samson Mixed 06:17:27 0:02:42 40 ITA19830815
44 TAYLOR, Cherise Team MTN Energade 06:17:27 0:02:42 41 RSA198911061
51 BEKKERING, Danielle Team Hitec Products UCK 06:17:34 0:02:49 42 NED19761225
5 BAGDONAVICIUTE, Agne Selle Italia Ghezzi 06:17:36 0:02:51 43 LTU19850604
Page 1 sur 2 Résultats:Martine Duperré mardi, 09 juin 2009 15:59 C = Canadienne
Dossard Nom/Name Équipe/Team Rang Temps/Time Écart/Diff
Classement Général Individuel /
General Individual Classification
3 étape/stage Après/After
34 MAJERUS, Christine ESGL93-GSD Gestion 06:17:36 0:02:51 44 LUX19870225
35 THOMAS, Beatrice ESGL93-GSD Gestion 06:17:37 0:02:52 45 FRA19810707
131 WANGSGARD, Nichole Colavita Sutter Homes 06:17:40 0:02:55 46 USA19720628
155 KIRCHMAN, Leah Atlantic Cycling Center 06:17:56 0:03:11 47 CAN19900630 C
22 LAMBORELLE, Nathalie Team Uniqa-ELK 06:17:57 0:03:12 48 LUX19880201
93 MORFIN, Lorenza Team Mixed-Mexico 06:17:58 0:03:13 49 MEX19820109
142 CARON, Joanie Équipe Cascades-ABC Cycles 06:18:01 0:03:16 50 CAN19840427 C
56 SÖDERBERG, Isabelle Team Hitec Products UCK 06:18:01 0:03:16 51 SWE19890528
65 TREW, Jenny Canadian National Cycling Team 06:18:03 0:03:18 52 CAN19810914 C
112 PETERSEN, Emma Team Ultralink 06:18:09 0:03:24 53 NZL19900402
92 JURADO, Jessica Team Mixed-Mexico 06:18:10 0:03:25 54 MEX19880928
165 BRONZINI, Giorgia Specialized Mazda Samson Mixed 06:18:19 0:03:34 55 ITA19830803
12 GILMORE, Rochelle Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 06:18:24 0:03:39 56 AUS19811214
96 ROCHA, Mayra Team Mixed-Mexico 06:19:27 0:04:42 57 MEX 19881026
144 BILODEAU, Véronique Équipe Cascades-ABC Cycles 06:20:15 0:05:30 58 CAN19891115 C
76 SUMMERS, Davina Australian National Team 06:21:13 0:06:28 59 AUS19790603
55 KLOPPENBURG, Margriet Team Hitec Products UCK 06:22:02 0:07:17 60 DEN19880118
82 SCHNITZMEIER, Anna Bianca German National Team Women Road 06:22:09 0:07:24 61 GER19900727
61 GULOIEN, Leah Canadian National Cycling Team 06:23:03 0:08:18 62 CAN19810723 C
132 GAUTHIER, Shontell Colavita Sutter Homes 06:23:07 0:08:22 63 USA19680908
116 BRADLEY, Julia Team Ultralink 06:25:18 0:10:33 64 CAN19711205 C
113 LAMPI, Allison Team Ultralink 06:26:05 0:11:20 65 CAN19761108 C
64 RATHWELL, Megan Canadian National Cycling Team 06:26:51 0:12:06 66 CAN19840928 C
133 GUZMAN, Anne Colavita Sutter Homes 06:27:13 0:12:28 67 CAN19750412 C
121 FORTIN, Véronique Équipe du Québec 06:35:02 0:20:17 68 CAN19800122 C
135 VALENCIA-BECERRA, Sandra Colavita Sutter Homes 06:35:36 0:20:51 69 COL19841023
126 ALBRECHT, Lex Équipe du Québec 06:38:53 0:24:08 70 CAN19870406 C
94 DOMINGUEZ, Miriam Team Mixed-Mexico 06:41:41 0:26:56 71 MEX19820201
122 ROY, Émilie Équipe du Québec 06:45:16 0:30:31 72 CAN19850612 C
124 CRÊTE, Valérie Équipe du Québec 06:47:35 0:32:50 73 CAN19890626 C
125 GAGNON, Geneviève Équipe du Québec 06:50:44 0:35:59 74 CAN19840301 C
146 GAUTHIER, Virginie Équipe Cascades-ABC Cycles 06:52:03 0:37:18 75 CAN19910427 C
62 BUNNIN, Andrea Canadian National Cycling Team 06:54:03 0:39:18 76 CAN19870608 C
115 CARTMILL, Carolyn Team Ultralink 06:57:12 0:42:27 77 CAN19790314 C
95 MENDOZA, Yesica Team Mixed-Mexico 07:11:22 0:56:37 78 COL19890622
163 ROLLINSON, Kyla Specialized Mazda Samson Mixed 07:13:41 0:58:56 79 CAN19751130 C
145 COUTURE, Catherine Équipe Cascades-ABC Cycles 07:24:56 1:10:11 80 CAN19890709 C
161 PATENAUDE, Ariane Specialized Mazda Samson Mixed 07:26:25 1:11:40 81 CAN19870420 C
Page 2 sur 2 Résultats:Martine Duperré mardi, 09 juin 2009 15:59 C = Canadienne
Classement Général Sprints/
General Sprints Classification
Nom/Name Équipe/Team 1 2 3 Ar 1 2 Total Dos Rg Ar
Maillot Rouge/Red Jersey Stage 1 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
1 2 Ar 1 2 Ar Ar
St. 2
GILMORE, Rochelle Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 3 3 3 21 5 7 12 3
BRONZINI, Giorgia Specialized Mazda Samson Mix 10 20 10 165 3
MUSTONEN, Sara Team Hitec Products UCK 1 7 12 1 3 53 3
WHITTEN, Tara Atlantic Cycling Center 10 152 3 10
O'DONNELL, Bridie Australian National Team 10 3 74 3 7
LAMBORELLE, Nathalie Team Uniqa-ELK 5 3 1 9 22 8
ZUCKERMANDEL, Denis German National Team Women 1 5 6 86 9
BRAS, Martine Selle Italia Ghezzi 1 6 5 1 9
TAMANINI, Luisa Selle Italia Ghezzi 5 5 2 9
MACGREGOR, Moriah Jo Atlantic Cycling Center 5 151 9 5
KUPFERNAGEL, Hanka German National Team Women 5 5 81 9
BEKKERING, Danielle Team Hitec Products UCK 5 5 51 9
RUZICKOVA, Martina Team Uniqa-ELK 3 3 24 9
MACLEAN, Jessie Australian National Team 3 72 9 3
THOMAS, Beatrice ESGL93-GSD Gestion 1 1 35 9
MACKIE, Emma Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 1 1 14 9
KOEDOODER, Vera Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 1 13 9 1
Page 1 sur 1 mardi, 09 juin 2009 16:00
Classement Général Montagne/
General Hill Classification
Nom/Name Équipe/Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Dos Rg
7 8
VAN DER MERWE, Mariss Team MTN Energade 10 10 20 43 1
MACKIE, Emma Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 10 7 17 14 2
RUZICKOVA, Martina Team Uniqa-ELK 7 5 5 17 24 3
SWART, Carla Team MTN Energade 5 10 1 16 45 4
LEMIEUX, Audrey ESGL93-GSD Gestion 7 7 31 5
ZUCKERMANDEL, Denise German National Team Women Roa 7 7 86 6
LOGAN, Heather Colavita Sutter Homes 1 3 1 5 134 7
THOMAS, Beatrice ESGL93-GSD Gestion 5 5 35 8
CARTMILL, Carolyn Team Ultralink 3 1 4 115 9
KITCHEN, Lauren Australian National Team 3 3 73 10
TORP, Linn Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 3 3 11 11
Page 1 sur 1 mardi, 09 juin 2009 16:01
Équipe/Team Rang Temps/Time Écart/Diff.
Classement par Équipe/
Team classification
Étape/Stage: 3
Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 10:18:44 00:00:00 1
Team Hitec Products UCK 10:18:44 00:00:00 2
Selle Italia Ghezzi 10:18:44 00:00:00 3
Specialized Mazda Samson Mixed 10:18:44 00:00:00 4
Australian National Team 10:18:45 00:00:01 5
Team Uniqa-ELK 10:18:45 00:00:01 6
Team MTN Energade 10:18:45 00:00:01 7
German National Team Women Road 10:18:45 00:00:01 8
Canadian National Cycling Team 10:18:45 00:00:01 9
Équipe Cascades-ABC Cycles 10:18:45 00:00:01 10
Atlantic Cycling Center 10:18:45 00:00:01 11
ESGL93-GSD Gestion 10:18:45 00:00:01 12
Team Mixed-Mexico 10:18:45 00:00:01 13
Colavita Sutter Homes 10:22:58 00:04:14 14
Équipe du Québec 10:27:41 00:08:57 15
Team Ultralink 10:35:51 00:17:07 16
Juge: Commissaire chef:
Page 1 sur 1 Résultats: Martine Duperré mardi, 09 juin 2009 15:59
Carla Geyer Louise Collins
Équipe/Team Rang Temps/Time Écart/Diff
Classement général par Équipe/
General Team Classification
Après l'étape/After stage: 3 2009
Australian National Team 00:00:00 1 18:45:55
Atlantic Cycling Center 00:00:30 2 18:46:25
Team MTN Energade 00:02:02 3 18:47:57
Équipe Cascades-ABC Cycles 00:02:37 4 18:48:32
Selle Italia Ghezzi 00:03:40 5 18:49:35
Lotto-Belisol Ladiesteam 00:03:43 6 18:49:38
German National Team Women Road 00:03:51 7 18:49:46
Specialized Mazda Samson Mixed 00:04:06 8 18:50:01
Team Uniqa-ELK 00:04:34 9 18:50:29
Canadian National Cycling Team 00:04:53 10 18:50:48
Team Hitec Products UCK 00:04:59 11 18:50:54
ESGL93-GSD Gestion 00:05:05 12 18:51:00
Team Mixed-Mexico 00:08:42 13 18:54:37
Colavita Sutter Homes 00:10:03 14 18:55:58
Team Ultralink 00:22:04 15 19:07:59
Équipe du Québec 00:31:32
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