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Gateway Cup 2008
Verenigde Staten
Datum :
2e etappe
Weg - Etappe
Saint Louis (Missouri), Verenigde Staten
Saint Louis (Missouri), Verenigde Staten
Tour of Washington Avenue
Hoofdindex Gateway Cup
Index 2008
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Brian Jensen
Colby Pearce
Matthew Busche
1 (1 - Pro) Brian Jensen 185340 47 Successful Living
2 (1 - Cat1) Colby Pearce 52850 31 Slipstream
3 (2 - Cat1) Matthew Busche 226346 121 Nova Cycle
4 (3 - Cat1) Chad Cagle 141654 9 Mercy Cycling Team
5 (4 - Cat1) Carlos Vargas 177122 106 Texas Tough
6 (2 - Pro) Hendricus Vogels 188599 100 UCI CT: Toyota-United
7 (5 - Cat1) Alexander Boyd 168212 8 No Team
8 (6 - Cat1) Steve Scholzen 201190 151 Nova Cycle
9 (3 - Pro) Chad Hartley 126996 36 jittery joe's
10 (7 - Cat1) Shadd Smith 138402 110 HRRC/TREK Stores
11 (8 - Cat1) Jeffrey Hartman 15299 37 Michelob Ultra Big Shark Racing
12 (9 - Cat1) Tyler Jewell 168914 107 Hotel San Jose
13 Chris Winn 96 RMCEF/MOB Cyclery
14 (10 - Cat1) Jeffrey Schroetlin 66615 78 ABD/GEARGRINDER
15 (11 - Cat1) Clark Priebe 50365 69 Mack
16 (12 - Cat1) Kyle Jacobson 209985 154 Nova Cycle
17 (1 - Cat2) Jay Thomas 35350 87 HRRC/TREK Stores
18 (13 - Cat1) Jonathan Jacob 226733 46 Dogfish
19 (14 - Cat1) Stefano Barberi 136696 4 Ghisallo/THF Racing
20 (15 - Cat1) Derek Goerke 226819 129 HRRC/TREK Stores
21 (16 - Cat1) J Brent Hanlin 14934 34 Ghisallo/THF Racing
22 (17 - Cat1) Stephen Tilford 35598 134 HRRC/TREK Stores
24 (18 - Cat1) Kurt Fletcher 11844 25 st.louis cyclones
25 (19 - Cat1) Stephen Spencer 47693 84 ABD / GEARGRINDER
26 (2 - Cat2) John Thrasher 78832 115 Momentum Racing
27 (20 - Cat1) Christopher Hall 195207 112 HRRC/TREK Stores
28 (3 - Cat2) Thacker Reeves 240130 99 Matrix Cycling
29 (4 - Cat2) Michael (Casey) Saunders 226313 76 Dogfish
30 (5 - Cat2) Jared Osterloh 259044 67
31 (21 - Cat1) Derek Loudermilk 180718 56 Michelob Ultra Big Shark Racing
32 (6 - Cat2) Andrew Armstrong 187559 98 Matrix Cycling
33 (7 - Cat2) Jeremy Pych 258476 70 Bicycle Shack Racing
35 (22 - Cat1) Zack Stein 232334 86 IS Corp/Nova Cycle Sports
36 (8 - Cat2) Nicholas Chevalley 283503 11 Lindenwood University
37 (9 - Cat2) Kolt Bates 194640 104 Mercy Cycling Team
38 (10 - Cat2) Ivan Romero Perez 266254 113 Mesa Cycles
39 (11 - Cat2) Shannon Graham 230 32 Southwest Cyclesport
40 (23 - Cat1) Barry Lee 85255 101 Texas Tuff
41 (24 - Cat1) Nolan Froese 222865 28 Ghisallo/THF Racing
42 (12 - Cat2) Owen Belton 283504 6 Lindenwood University
43 (13 - Cat2) Brian Rach 257820 120 Nova Cycle
45 (14 - Cat2) Thomas Erlacker 211128 22 Michelob Ultra Big Shark Racing
47 (25 - Cat1) Nicholas Coil 195267 155 HRRC/TREK Stores
49 (26 - Cat1) Charles Crouse 194993 18 Dogfish
50 (15 - Cat2) Scott Ogilvie 176998 66 Bare Knuckle Brigade
51 (16 - Cat2) Shaun Bonavita 4168 105 FCS Cycling Club
53 (17 - Cat2) Tim Hall 179788 33 pb Bike Pedlar
53 (27 - Cat1) Andrew Lister 148168 53 Dogfish
54 (18 - Cat2) Julian Kyer 220448 118 Rmcf racing
55 (28 - Cat1) Patrick Collier 98972 15 Michelob Ultra Big Shark Racing
56 (19 - Cat2) Collin Davis 225276 19 MSU/HHH
56 (20 - Cat2) Tracy Thompson 35485 88 Bikes To You
57 (21 - Cat2) Eric Flynn 85427 26 FFKR Architects/Sportsbase Online
58 (29 - Cat1) Andrew Malcom 51206 59 CTCA/Tulsa Wheelmen
59 (22 - Cat2) Chris Zenthoefer 249006 146 CTCA/Tulsa Wheelmen
60 (23 - Cat2) Chris Wallace 220920 103 Mesa Cycles
61 David Henderson 54845 150 Columbia Bike Club
62 (24 - Cat2) Steven Vandeven 232049 91 Team Get-A-Grip Cycles
63 (25 - Cat2) Thomas Clark 179448 124 GDC
64 (26 - Cat2) Darrell Bratton 55734 152 Team Mack
65 (27 - Cat2) Kris French 265172 108 Accelerade
66 (28 - Cat2) Mark Nagy 174295 64 Dogfish Racing Team
67 (30 - Cat1) Sean Walker 37014 92 Bikes to You
69 (31 - Cat1) Austin Allison 224219 2 Ghisallo/THF Racing
70 (32 - Cat1) Johnny Merli 159712 62 dogfish
71 (29 - Cat2) Patrick Harkins 224049 35 p/b bike pedlar
72 (33 - Cat1) Adam Mills 102467 109 HHRC/Trek
73 (34 - Cat1) Ethan Froese 12469 27 Ghisallo/THF Racing
74 (30 - Cat2) Joseph Schmalz 197714 131 Trek stores
77 (31 - Cat2) Christopher Beck 209885 5 Team Tortuga
78 (35 - Cat1) Mark Southard 33536 158 Michelob Ultra Big Shark Racing
79 (36 - Cat1) Jason Landretti 86309 125 GDC
80 (37 - Cat1) Andrew Chocha 78680 12 Mesa Cycles
81 (32 - Cat2) Michael Lalla 201623 81 MSU/hhh
82 (38 - Cat1) Joshua Johnson 75343 48 Michelob Ultra Big Shark Racing
83 (39 - Cat1) Nathan Rice 29688 156 Michelob Ultra Big Shark Racing
84 (40 - Cat1) Brian Dziewa 126190 21 Ghisallo/THF Racing
85 (41 - Cat1) William Stolte 34257 133 HRRC/TREK Stores
DNF Brian Alfermann 184145 1 Ghisallo/THF Racing
DNF Mathew Ankney 145867 3 Mercy Cycling Team
DNF Jay Blankenship 179001 7 CTCA Tulsawheelmen
DNF Todd Campbell 68206 10 Epic Cycling Team
DNF Harry Clark 65323 14 Calistoga Racing Team
DNF Craig Cooper 210771 16 Michelob Ultra Big Shark Racing
DNF Chad Dean 74509 20 Team GT/HTFU Racing
DNF Travis Erwin 241581 23 Taser
DNF Bryan Fawley 198394 24 Park Place Lexus
DNF Michael Gibson 59548 29 RMCEF/MOB Cyclery
DNF Bret Glembocki 30 IS Corp
DNF Daryl Hemenway 133838 199 Guinness Cycling
DNF Evan Hepner 161841 39 Contender Bicycles
DNF Ryan Hermsmeyer 73571 40 Michelob Ultra Big Shark Racing
DNF Nicholas Holbus 188436 42 Team Beans & Barley
DNF James Holton 193060 43 team wiecek
DNF Christopher Hulse 17097 44 Dent Wizard
DNF Brian Kaker 240194 49 Team Beans & Barley
DNF Tim Kakouris 56057 50 THF Ghisallo
DNF Neil Kopitsky 19643 52 Outspokin' Bicycles
DNF Erik Loberg 213434 54 Team Beans and Barley
DNF Doug Looney 21569 55 Team Hotel San Jose
DNF Thomas Luke 57356 57 Epic Cycling
DNF Justin Maciekowicz 199884 58 Michelob Ultra Big Shark Racing
DNF John Marbarger 157639 60 Dentwizard
DNF Mark Murawski 144636 63 TOC / Gateway Cycling
DNF Tim Norris 283502 65 Lindenwood University
DNF Oreste Pesselato 180691 68 Dent Wizard
DNF Thomson Remo 212914 71 Baraboo Sharks
DNF Kurt Russell 196824 74 Michelob Ultra Big Shark Racing
DNF Daniel Schmatz 31615 77 Ghisallo/THF Racing
DNF John Seehafer 80370 79 Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light
DNF Joseph Siciliano 72879 82 RMCEF/MOB Cyclery
DNF Lawrence Simonson 194932 83 Spin GP Velotek
DNF Robert Springer 57145 85 Team Wheel & Sprocket
DNF James VanDeven 128064 90 Get A Grip
DNF Eric Wiecek 129295 94 Team Get A Grip Cycles
DNF Ian Dille 104953 95 Bicycle Support Shop
DNF Brooks Branham 203790 97 Mercy Cycling Team
DNF Anthony Dust 189613 102 Dogfish
DNF Tracy Smith 74105 114 Mesa Cycles
DNF Todd Elenz 185341 116 W.C. De Molen
DNF Kip Spaude 199775 122 Nova Cycle
DNF Dan Ajer 180160 123 GDC
DNF Timothy Clark 225833 126 GDC
DNF David Kay 130383 127 GDC
DNF Alejandro Padilla 137 Nashville Cyclist
DNF Duane Dickey 9437 138 Iowa City
DNF Cale McAninch 112498 139 Boston Mt. Cyclists
DNF Timothy Tobbe 53594 140 Boston Mountain Cyclist
DNF Jim Farasy 192024 141 Boston Mountain Cyclist
DNF Zach Reed 29400 142 Mercy-Specialized
DNF Kevin Willbanks 226315 144 Dogfish
DNF Mark Smelser 194931 147 GP Velotak
DNF Michael Weiss 89705 148 Michelob Ultra Big Shark Racing
DNF Ian Dille 104953 149 Bicycle Support Shop
DNF Stephen Hall 56718 153 Team Mack
DNF Marc Walter 59833 157 Powerade/Independent Fabrications
DNF Bill Marshall Jr 53358 61 Mercy Cycling Team
DNF Ryan Sabga 98814 75 USA Pista Elite
DNF Daniel Lawrence 224833 128 Dogfish
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