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Fitchburg Longsjo Classic (V) 2008
Verenigde Staten
Datum :
2e etappe
110 km
Weg - Etappe
Wachusett (Massachusetts), Verenigde Staten
Wachusett (Massachusetts), Verenigde Staten
Hoofdindex Fitchburg Longsjo Classic (V)
Index 2008
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Catherine Cheatley Sell
in 03h 28m 58s
Kristin McGrath
op 19s
Kathleen Billington
op 23s
1 Catherine Cheatley (NZl) Cheerwine Cycling 3.28.58
2 Kristin Mcgrath (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki 0.19
3 Kathleen Billington (USA) CONNECTICUT COAST CYCLING 0.23
4 Andrea Dvorak (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki 1.03
5 Mayolo-Pic Tina (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki
6 Silke Wunderwald (USA) Independent Fabrication/Kempne 1.07
7 Ashley James (USA) Iscorp 1.14
8 Stacy Marple (USA) Cheerwine Cycling 1.19
9 Kristin Wentworth (USA) Team Kenda Tire 1.22
10 Laura Van Gilder (USA) Cheerwine Cycling
11 Elena Leznik (USA) CRCA/Radical Media
12 Kate Veronneau (USA) Kutztown Cutters 1.32
13 Anna Mcloon (USA) Colavita Racing Inc. 1.40
14 Robin Farina (USA) Cheerwine Cycling 2.07
15 Megan Guarnier (USA) PROMAN Racing
16 Kathryn Bertine (USA) St. Kitts and Nevis National T 2.12
17 Yvette Labombard (USA) JW Dundee's 2.16
18 Paolina Allan (Can) Cyclissimo
19 Rachel Warner (USA) Juice Plus
20 Maureen Bruno Roy (USA) Terry Precision 2.28
21 Anne Guzman (Can) Team Kenda Tire 2.31
22 Mary Zider (USA) NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Den 2.34
23 Rebecca Wellons (USA) NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Den 2.37
24 Liz Leyden (Aus) Hub Racing 2.45
25 Sally Annis (USA) NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Den 2.49
26 Lorena Candrian (USA) HPC powered by Altarum 2.53
27 Lesley Golenor (USA) HPC Powereed by Altarum
28 Laura Cook (USA) Juice Plus Guest Rider 2.57
29 Rae Brownsberger (USA) Stanford University 3.22
30 Sonja Evers (USA) 3.47
31 Carla Swart (USA) Team Kenda Tire 3.58
32 Genevieve Whitson (USA) HPC powered by Altarum 4.08
33 Jacquelyn Crowell (USA) Team Kenda Tire
34 Arley Kemmerer (USA) Hub Racing 4.22
35 Amy Mcguire (USA) Team Kenda Tire 4.40
36 Melissa O'reilly (USA) Van Dessel Factory Team
37 Tami Buhr (USA) NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Den
38 Susan Haywood (USA) HPC powered by Altarum 4.48
39 Karin Holmes (USA) CCB/Volkswagen 5.00
40 Iona Wynter Parks (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki 5.04
41 Nichole Wangsgard (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki 5.06
42 Debony Diehl (USA) Sunapee/S&W Racing Team 5.10
43 Maria Quiroga (USA) CRCA/Radical Media
44 Natalie Dumont (USA) NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Den 5.24
45 Rose Long (USA) UVM cycling 5.40
46 Eve Mcneill (USA) Sunapee/S&W Racing Team 6.02
47 Dale Tye (NZl) Hub Racing 6.31
48 Kathryne Carr (USA) Sunapee/S&W Racing Team 6.46
49 Kelly Benjamin (USA) Cheerwine Cycling 7.34
50 Jenette Williams (USA) HPC powered by Altarum 8.34
51 Kerry Litka (USA) Terry Precision 8.51
52 Sara Schewel (USA) Human Zoom/ Pabst Blue Ribbon 11.57
53 Cecelia Pleva (USA) CRCA/Radical Media 14.09
54 Bianca Grecu (USA) Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon 15.27
55 Bonnie Bourque (USA) Acqua Al 2/SDBC 16.05
56 Koh Rebecca (USA) CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's Bike 19.14
57 Sauvayre Sarah (USA) CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's Bike 19.19
58 Kathryn Clark (USA) Team Kenda Tire 27.11
59 Kirshner Hannah (USA) Bikeworks/Hallamore 29.38
60 Jacqueline Kurth (USA) Team Kenda Tire 29.56
61 Nicole Bossie (USA) hincapie-barkleydevo 30.15
62 Kristine Church (USA) Human Zoom/ Pabst Blue Ribbon 30.22
63 Emma Giddens (NZl) Hub Racing 33.22
Lap 1
1 Lorena Candrian (USA) HPC powered by Altarum 25 pts
2 Kelly Benjamin (USA) Cheerwine Cycling 15
3 Nichole Wangsgard (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki 5
Lap 2
1 Carla Swart (USA) Team Kenda Tire 25 pts
2 Robin Farina (USA) Cheerwine Cycling 15
3 Kate Veronneau (USA) Kutztown Cutters 5
Lap 3
1 Carla Swart (USA) Team Kenda Tire 25 pts
2 Kelly Benjamin (USA) Cheerwine Cycling 15
3 Kristin Mcgrath (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki 5
Lap 4
1 Kelly Benjamin (USA) Cheerwine Cycling 25 pts
2 Carla Swart (USA) Team Kenda Tire 15
3 Kristin Mcgrath (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki 5
Lap 5
1 Lorena Candrian (USA) HPC powered by Altarum 25 pts
2 Kelly Benjamin (USA) Cheerwine Cycling 15
3 Carla Swart (USA) Team Kenda Tire 5
General classification after stage 2
1 Catherine Cheatley (NZl) Cheerwine Cycling 3.47.50
2 Kristin Mcgrath (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki 0.19
3 Kathleen Billington (USA) CONNECTICUT COAST CYCLING 1.27
4 Stacy Marple (USA) Cheerwine Cycling 1.35
5 Silke Wunderwald (USA) Independent Fabrication/Kempne 1.40
6 Laura Van Gilder (USA) Cheerwine Cycling 1.54
7 Andrea Dvorak (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki 1.55
8 Mayolo-Pic Tina (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki 1.56
9 Kate Veronneau (USA) Kutztown Cutters 2.28
10 Robin Farina (USA) Cheerwine Cycling 2.39
11 Kristin Wentworth (USA) Team Kenda Tire 2.45
12 Anna Mcloon (USA) Colavita Racing Inc. 3.01
13 Rachel Warner (USA) Juice Plus 3.11
14 Kathryn Bertine (USA) St. Kitts and Nevis National T 3.22
15 Ashley James (USA) Iscorp 3.25
16 Paolina Allan (Can) Cyclissimo 3.27
17 Elena Leznik (USA) CRCA/Radical Media 3.28
18 Anne Guzman (Can) Team Kenda Tire 3.29
19 Megan Guarnier (USA) PROMAN Racing 4.06
20 Sally Annis (USA) NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Den 4.10
21 Yvette Labombard (USA) JW Dundee's 4.24
22 Rebecca Wellons (USA) NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Den 4.26
23 Mary Zider (USA) NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Den 4.37
24 Maureen Bruno Roy (USA) Terry Precision 4.42
25 Laura Cook (USA) Juice Plus Guest Rider 4.46
26 Lorena Candrian (USA) HPC powered by Altarum 4.50
27 Jacquelyn Crowell (USA) Team Kenda Tire 5.02
28 Sonja Evers (USA) 5.30
29 Rae Brownsberger (USA) Stanford University 5.34
30 Lesley Golenor (USA) HPC Powereed by Altarum 5.41
31 Liz Leyden (Aus) Hub Racing 5.56
32 Iona Wynter Parks (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki 6.14
33 Carla Swart (USA) Team Kenda Tire 6.21
34 Susan Haywood (USA) HPC powered by Altarum 6.27
35 Genevieve Whitson (USA) HPC powered by Altarum 6.34
36 Nichole Wangsgard (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki 7.21
37 Maria Quiroga (USA) CRCA/Radical Media 7.24
38 Melissa O'reilly (USA) Van Dessel Factory Team 7.37
39 Arley Kemmerer (USA) Hub Racing 7.39
40 Amy Mcguire (USA) Team Kenda Tire 7.48
41 Debony Diehl (USA) Sunapee/S&W Racing Team 7.57
42 Karin Holmes (USA) CCB/Volkswagen 8.07
43 Tami Buhr (USA) NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Den 8.27
44 Dale Tye (NZl) Hub Racing 9.00
45 Natalie Dumont (USA) NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Den 9.04
46 Rose Long (USA) UVM cycling 9.09
47 Kelly Benjamin (USA) Cheerwine Cycling 9.46
48 Kathryne Carr (USA) Sunapee/S&W Racing Team 10.29
49 Eve Mcneill (USA) Sunapee/S&W Racing Team 10.38
50 Kerry Litka (USA) Terry Precision 10.57
51 Jenette Williams (USA) HPC powered by Altarum 11.00
52 Sara Schewel (USA) Human Zoom/ Pabst Blue Ribbon 14.51
53 Cecelia Pleva (USA) CRCA/Radical Media 17.25
54 Bonnie Bourque (USA) Acqua Al 2/SDBC 19.27
55 Bianca Grecu (USA) Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon 19.31
56 Koh Rebecca (USA) CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's Bike 22.07
57 Sauvayre Sarah (USA) CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's Bike 22.12
58 Kathryn Clark (USA) Team Kenda Tire 30.26
59 Jacqueline Kurth (USA) Team Kenda Tire 32.50
60 Kirshner Hannah (USA) Bikeworks/Hallamore 33.13
61 Nicole Bossie (USA) hincapie-barkleydevo 33.49
62 Kristine Church (USA) Human Zoom/ Pabst Blue Ribbon 34.39
63 Emma Giddens (NZl) Hub Racing 37.06
1 Carla Swart (USA) Team Kenda Tire 70 pts
2 Kelly Benjamin (USA) Cheerwine Cycling 70
3 Lorena Candrian (USA) HPC powered by Altarum 50
4 Robin Farina (USA) Cheerwine Cycling 15
5 Kristin Mcgrath (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki 10
6 Kate Veronneau (USA) Kutztown Cutters 5
7 Nichole Wangsgard (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooki 5
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